Studies behaviour that can be observed and measured
Not concerned with mental processes
Reject introspection as it is too vague
Reliance on lab studies to maintain control
Believe all behaviour is learned
Classical and operant conditioning
Classical conditioning - Pavlov
Learning through association
Showed how dogs could be conditioned to salivate to the sound of a bell if repeatedly presented at the same time of being given food
Gradually the dogs learned to associate the sound of the bell (stimulus) with food
Pavlov was able to show how a neutral stimulus, in this case a bell, can elicit a new learned response through association
This is known as classical conditioning
Diagram of classical conditioning
Before - UCS of food -> UCR of salivation
NS of bell -> No conditioned response
During - NS of bell + UCS of food -> UCR of salivation
After - CS of bell -> CR of salivation
Operant conditioning - Skinner
Suggested learning is an active process where humans and animals operate on their environment
Behaviour is shaped by consequences
Positive reinforcement - receiving a reward when a certain behaviour is performed
Negative reinforcement - occurs when an individual avoids something unpleasant and the outcome is positive
Punishment - unpleasant consequence of behaviour
Positive and negative reinforcement increases the likelihood that behaviour will be repeated. Punishment decreases this
AO3 - Strength of well controlled research
Focus on the measurement of observable behaviour in highly controlled lab settings
Breaking down behaviour into basic stimulus-response units extraneous variables can be removed allowing cause and effectrelationships to be established
Skinners research on rats being an example of this (operant conditioning)
Scientific credibility
AO3 Counterpoint - Limitation of being oversimplified
Learning process is reductionist
Reducing behaviour to simple components means behaviourists may have ignored an important influence on learning - humanthought
Other approaches such as sociallearning and cognitive have drawn attention to mental processes involved in learning
Suggests learning is more complex that initially suggested, mental processes are essential
More holistic approach needed
AO3 - Strength of realworldapplication
Principles applied to real world behaviour and problems
Operant conditioning is the basis of tokeneconomysystems that are used in prisons and psychiatric wards
Rewarding appropriate behaviour with tokens that can be exchanged for privileges (positive reinforcement)
Punishment acts as a consequence eg. solitary confinement
Realworld value
AO3 - Limitation of environmental determinism
Sees all behaviour as conditioned by past conditioning experiences
Skinner suggested that everything we do is the sumtotal of our reinforcement history. When something happens we believe we made the choice to do it but according to Skinner, our pastconditioninghistory determined the outcome
Ignores the influence of freewill on behaviour
Does not consider a holistic stance and ignores the influence of consciousdecisionmaking processes on behaviour