minority influence

Cards (12)

  • define minority influence
    small group or individual influences majority to adopt beliefs or behaviours
    • leads to internalisation
  • who studied minority influence?
  • aim
    investigate effect of consistent minority on majority opinion
  • method
    • 6 participants (4 real and 2 confederates)
    • asked to identify colour of 36 blue slides
    1. consistent majority = confederate said all slides were green
    2. inconsistent = confederates said some were green and some were blue
  • findings
    • consistent = influenced 8.42%
    • inconsistent = influenced 1.25%
  • what are the 3 key factors in minority influence?
    1. consistency
    2. commitment
    3. flexibility
  • outline consistency
    stable and confident
    • synchronic = all members say same thing
    • diachronic = message remains same over time
  • outline commitment
    show dedication through personal sacrifice
  • outline flexibility
    willing to compromise
    • being too dogmatic can be off-putting
  • weakness - no guarantee
    • Nemeth
    • minorities struggle as seen as criminal
    • balance consistency with reasonable and adaptable
  • strength - research support
    • Moscovici et al
    • consistent minority is most effective
    • lacks ecological validity
  • strength - long term change
    • real-world social change
    • e.g. civil rights movement, LGBTQ+ rights
    • slow and resisted