
Cards (11)

  • define the ability to resist social influence
    ability to withstand social pressure, influenced by situational and dispositional factors
  • define locus of control
    person's perception of personal control over their own behaviour
  • outline an internal locus of control
    belief that we can control events in our life
    • everything that happens is a consequence of our own ability
  • why are internal locus of control's more likely to resist social influence?
    • take personal responsibility for actions
    • base decisions off own beliefs
    • more self confident so less need for social approval
    • achievement-orientated so become leaders
  • outline an external locus of control
    things are out of our own control
    • everything that happens is determined by external factors
    • e.g. influence or luck
  • outline evaluation point one for locus of control
    research support
    • 37% of internals didn't go to 450V but 23% of externals did
    • internals have greater resistance
    • increased internal validity
  • outline evaluation point 2 for locus of control
    exaggerated explanation
    • LOC has little influence in familiar situations
    • conformed before, likely to do it again
    • lacks validity
  • what's the role of social support in conformity?
    allows individual to resist pressure to conform to a majority
    • gives confidence in decision
  • what's the role of social support in obedience?
    confident in resisting temptation to obey when someone will join them
  • outline the variation of milgram's study for social support
    • team of 3 testing the learner who repeatedly refused to shock them
    • 10% went to deliver max 450V
  • outline evaluation point 1 for social support
    real world application
    • programme helping pregnant teens resist pressure to smoke
    • less likely to smoke if supported by a "buddy"
    • increases external validity