dispositional explanations

Cards (12)

  • define dispositional explanations
    obedience is influenced by individual's personality traits
  • who proposed the authoritarian personality?
  • explain the authoritarian personality
    more likely to obey authority figures and show contempt for those seen as inferior
  • how does the authoritarian personality develop?
    strict and punitive parenting which leads to scapegoating
  • outline key characteristics of the authoritarian personality
    • highly obedient
    • conventional attitudes
    • hostile towards inferior individuals
    • rigid and inflexible thinking
  • aim
    investigate link between personality type and obedience
  • method
    • F-scale questionnaire to measure authoritarian traits
  • findings
    • people with higher F-scale scores showed higher levels of obedience
    • prejudiced attitudes towards minority groups
  • conclusion
    strong authoritarian personality makes individuals more likely to obey authority and reject those challenging social norms
  • strength - research support
    • elms and milgram
    • 65% in milgram's study scored higher on the f-scale
    • correlational
  • weakness - limited explanation
    • mass obedience
    • nazi germany individuals didn't have personality
    • situational factors are important
  • weakness - lacks internal validity
    • methodological issues
    • questionnaire is one-directional
    • issues with acquiescence bias