situational explanations

Cards (11)

  • define situational explanation
    behaviour is influenced by external factors
  • what are the 3 situational explanations?
    1. agency theory
    2. legitimacy of authority
    3. power of situation
  • explain the agency theory
    people shift between autonomous state and agentic state
    • autonomous state - individuals act according to personal principles and take responsibility for actions
    • agentic state - individuals see themselves as agents of authority figure and don't feel responsible for actions
  • how does agency theory affect obedience?
    • agentic state - more likely to obey as they don't take responsibility
  • explain legitimacy of authority
    more likely to obey individuals who are perceived to be in positions of legitimate authority
    • perceived legitimacy increases obedience
  • how does legitimacy of authority affect obedience?
    authority figures are seen as trustworthy so more likely to follow commands
  • explain power of situation
    obedience is influenced by situational factors
    • e.g. proximity and presence of others
  • how does the power of the situation affect obedience?
    • if feel distant from victim, more likely to obey orders
    • if other people are obeying, may feel less responsible and more likely to obey
  • weakness - lacks explanatory power
    • individual differences
    • 35% refused to obey
    • influence of dispositional factors
  • strength - research support
    • Hofling et al found 21 out of 22 nurses obeyed dangerous order from doctor
    • provides real-world relevance
    • Rank & Jacobson found if there was a discussion then obedience dropped
  • strength - ecological validity
    • nuremberg trials found nazi officer claimed they were "following orders"
    • real-world consequences
    • personality and morality also influence obedience