Cards (10)

  • What is a scientific theory?

    A general law or principle that is used to explain something
  • How is a hypothesis formed in scientific research?
    By using a scientific theory to make predictions
  • What is the definition of empirical method?

    Gathering evidence from direct experience or observation
  • What does it mean for data to be tangible in research?
    Data must be collected in a physical or observable form
  • What is a paradigm in scientific research?
    • Basic assumptions and methods accepted by a discipline
    • Guides how research is conducted within that field
  • When does a paradigm shift occur?

    When an old paradigm is disproven or a better belief is established
  • What does replicability refer to in research?

    Whether a method or finding can be repeated in the same way
  • Why is objectivity important in research?
    It minimizes bias and eliminates personal or subjective ideas
  • What is falsification in the context of scientific theories?

    Binding evidence to disprove a theory
  • What characterizes the strongest scientific theories?
    They survive most attempts to falsify them