Wundt and instrospection

Cards (6)

  • Who is Wundt and what did he contribute to psychology?

    Wundt is known as the father of psychology and established the first psychology lab in 1879.
  • What significant establishment did Wundt create in 1879?

    The institute for Experimental Psychology in Leipzig, Germany.
  • How did Wundt separate psychology from philosophy?

    He established psychology as a distinct scientific discipline.
  • What method did Wundt use to record thoughts and sensations?

  • What is introspection in psychology?
    • Training psychologists to make observations of their own experiences
    • Developing a theory of conscious thought
    • Given a stimulus e.g using a metronome and then told to self-report and what they thought during that time
  • What are the points for and against the statement "Wundt made psychology a science"?

    • Objectivity
    • Standardization
    • Controlled conditions
    • Trained participants

    • Introspection did not remain a fundamental tool after the early 1920s
    • Relied on self-reporting
    • Reports may be distorted
    • Subjective interpretations may lead to social desirability bias
    • Delay between experience and report
    • Subject reports cannot be replicated and are not reliable