features of a science

Cards (11)

  • what is science?
    is the pursuit & application of knowlege & understanding of the natural & social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence
  • what is FORCE HP?
    1. falsifiability
    2. objectivity
    3. replicability
    4. contorl
    5. empirical methods
    6. hypothesis testing
    7. paradigm
  • explain falsifiability?
    is the declaration that for any hypothesis to have credibility it must be inherently disprovable before it can become accepted as scientific
    must be empirically testable
    may be replicated
  • explain objectivity?
    free from opinion & not open to interpretation
    involves the researcher creating & commenting on their study without any input from their own opinions
    lab experiments are most objective
  • explain replicability?
    involves being able to repeat the study & get tsame results
    means results are reliable
    use standardised procedures so that everyone gets same experience with same instructions in same environment - makes it easier for the researcher to repeat the process again
  • how to control an experiment?
    1. standardised procedures
    2. random allocation
    3. standardised instructions
    4. controlled environments
  • explain empirical methods?
    using a method where you can physically see & measure outcome
    results are more accurate & valid
  • explain theory construction?
    a theory is a collection of general principles that explain facts & observations
    can help us to predict & understand the phenomena around us
  • explain hypothesis testing?
    this is how theories are modified
    a good theory must be able to generate a testable expectation - aka hypothesis
    if hypothesis wrong - theory requires modification
    if hypothesis correct - adds validity to theory
  • explain paradigms?
    when a shared set of assumptions, ways of thinking, methods about a subject are commonly accepted by members of a group
  • progress within an established science occurs when there is a revolution, this occurs when?
    a handful of researchers begin to question the accepted paradigm
    begins to gather popularity & eventually a paradigm shift will take place