Connective Tissues

Cards (49)

  • This creates the matrix. What do you call this?For example in connective tissue proper, fibroblasts create the matrix in connective tissue.
  • This breaks it down for remodeling. What is it called?For example, in bone connective tissue osteoclast break down the bone tissue.
  • What do you call the mature cell that maintains the matrix?For example, chondrocytes are the cells in cartilage that maintain he cartilage matrix.
  • What do you call the nonmotile cells that release chemical, such as histamine, that promote inflammation?
    mast cells
  • What are the large white blood cells that are capable of moving about and ingesting foreign substances, including microorganisms?
  • What does mast cells release?
  • What type of fiber is very fine, short collagen fibers that branch from a supporting network (reticulum)?
    reticular fibers
  • What fiber has the ability to return to its original shape after being compressed or stretched?
    elastic fibers
  • What type of fiber resembles microscopic ropes that is very flexible but resists stretching?
    collagen fibers
  • What is the shapeless background against which the collagen fibers are through the microscope?

    ground substance
  • What is shown in the photo?
    areolar connective tissue
  • What are the two type of connective tissue proper?
    dense and loose
  • What are the three types of dense tissues?
    regular, irregular, and elastic
  • What are the three types of loose tissues?
    areolar, reticular, and adipose
  • What is being described?
    • Fine network (collagen and elastic fibers) with spaces between the fibers: fibroblasts, macrophages, and lymphocytes are located in space.
    areolar connective tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    adipose connective tissue
  • What cell is find in the adipose tissue?
  • What cell is found in the areolar tissue?
  • What is being described?
    • Little extracellular matrix surrounding cells
    • Adipocytes (fat cells) are so full of lipid that the cytoplasm is pushed to the periphery of the cell
    adipose connective tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    reticular connective tissue
  • What is being described?
    • Fine network of reticular fibers irregularly arranged 
    reticular connective tissue
  • Tendons is?
    muscle to bone
  • Ligament is?
    bone to bone
  • What is shown in the photo?
    dense regular connective tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    dense irregular connective tissue
  • What is being described?
    • The fibers are oriented in many different directions 
    dense irregular
  • What is being described?
    • The collagen fibers are oriented in the same direction
    dense regular
  • What is being described?
    • Matrix composed of collagen fibers and elastin fibers running in somewhat the same direction in elastic ligaments.
    dense regular elastic connective tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    dense regular elastic connective tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    dense regular elastic connective tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    dense irregular connective tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    dense regular connective tissue
  • Connective tissue can be divided in three types, which are?
    connective tissue proper, supporting connective tissue, and fluid connective tissue
  • What are the two types of supporting connective tissue?
    cartilage and bone
  • What are the three types of cartilage?
    hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage
  • What is the proper name for bone tissue?
    osseous tissue
  • What are the two types of osseous tissue?
    sponge and compact
  • What is being described?
    • Most abundant type of cartilage and has many functions 
    • Covers the ends of bones where they come together to form joints
    hyaline cartilage
  • What is being described?
    • Has more collagen than hyaline cartilage 
    • Bundles of collagen fibers can be seen in the matrix
    • Withstand both compression and pulling or tearing forces
  • What is being described?
    • Contains elastic fibers in addition to collagen and proteoglycans 
    • Elastic fibers appear as coiled fibers among bundles of collagen fibers
    •  Able to recoil to its original shape when bent
    elastic cartilage