Holy Spirit in the OT

Cards (10)

  • The Holy Spirit is the author of wisdom that assists us in decision-making.
  • Joseph in the book of Genesis was known as "The Dreamer" for he accurately interpreted the dreams of the Pharaoh as a man filled with the spirit of God.
  • Joseph was one of Jacob's twelve sons born from Rachel. He was favored over his siblings and was sold to slavery by his jealous brothers. Nevertheless, he rose to become the vizier, the second most powerful man in Egypt.
  • Joseph wisely stored the country's abundant resource for seven years in preparation for the coming seven years of drought and famine.
  • Joseph's authority and presence caused Israel to leave Canaan and settle in Egypt.
  • The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity.
  • The old testament describes the Holy Spirit as the Giver of life and the One who prepares many people for witnessing and certain missions.
  • The activity of the Holy Spirit in our own personal experiences on three levels:
    • Within ourselves: Engages our thoughts and feelings, representing God's Spirit dwelling in us.
    • Through interpersonal experience: Utilizes family and friends to convey God's message and love.
    • By way of community and parish work: Encourages openness to the Holy Spirit's promptings through community involvement.
  • It is not always easy to perceive the Spirit due to the fact that:
    The Holy Spirit has no shape or form - In this way, we represent the Spirit as water, fire, wind, cloud, breath, and dove. We have our limitations - We tend to approach the Spirit with our head rather than with our hearts.
  • We can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit through:
    Sacred Scriptures - As we read the Bible and listen to the mass. Sacred Tradition - Comes from the apostles and hands on to their successors. Prayer - As we commune with God Christian Witness - Saints and Christians who follow Jesus