Muscle Tissue

Cards (8)

  • What is caused by contractile proteins located within the muscle cells (muscle fibers)?
    muscle contraction
  • What are the three types of muscle tissue?
    skeletal, cardiac, and smooth
  • What is being described?
    • Voluntary 
    • Striated (muscle fibers appear banded) and multinucleated
    skeletal muscle tissue
  • What is being described?
    • Involuntary
    • Cylindrical and striated but uninucleated
    • Muscle cells are short and branching 
    • Connected to one another by intercalated disks, containing gap junctions
    cardiac muscle tissue
  • What is being described?
    • Involuntary
    • Not striated and have a single nucleus 
    • Responsible for regulating the size of organs, forces fluids through tubes, and control light entering the eye
    smooth muscle tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    skeletal muscle tissue
  • What is shown in the photo?
    cardiac muscle tissue
  • What is shown in the tissue?
    smooth muscle tissue