booklet 2

Cards (29)

  • it is important that people who work within a health and social care setting follow the correct policies and procedures.
  • policies= rules/guiding principles set by the organisation
  • procedure= the steps or approach to following the policies
  • there are a variety of different policies for example:
    ~ confidentiality
    ~ safeguarding
    ~ medication
    ~ complaints
  • if policies and procedures are not followed, staff can have disciplinary action take upon them such as losing their job or being struck from the register
  • a physiotherapist helps patients gain back full mobility and strength back after surgery
  • an occupational therapist will suggest adaptations to everyday life after assessing the situation of recovery.
  • a social worker acts as an advocate to provide the best care and emotional support
  • a community nurse does home visits and monitors a patients condition after surgery
  • radiotherapy= uses high-energy radiation to treat conditions such as cancer.
    ~common side effects are itchiness, peeling or blistering.
  • organ transplant= a person can give consent for their organs to be donated after death or accept organs if they are in need
  • there is also support for lifestyle changes through counselling or support groups
  • age uk is the leading charity for older people and was formed on 25th feb 2009
  • young mind is a mental health charity for young people
  • the royal national institute of blind people offer practical and emotional support to blind and partially sighted people
  • voluntary organisations
    ~ do fundraising to raise money
    ~ give practical solutions
    ~ provide practical and emotional advice and support
  • self help groups= gathering of people who share a condition or status to share mutual support
  • rehabilitation= action of restoring someone to health or normal life
  • psychotherapy= treating mental health problems by talking with a psychiatrist
  • complementary therapies= different approach in comparison to mainstream medicine eg meditation
  • conventional medical treatment= treat symptoms + diseases using drugs, radiation or surgery
  • a vast range of equipment is available to support people to remain independent when carrying out their routine daily activities.
  • examples of equipment aid
    ~ wheelchairs
    ~walking sticks
  • examples of appliances aid
    ~ bathing aids eg. walk in shower
    ~ raised toilet seats
    ~ special cutlery eg. thick handles
  • examples of technology aid
    ~ enlarged texts
    ~ communicators for those hearing impairment
  • helping someone with personal care can help someone prevent accidents, maintain good hygiene, and help regain mobility.
  • helping someone with personal care can help them by providing emotional support, maintaining dignity and giving them some form of social interaction.
  • domiciliary care= a H+SC professional who provides medical support in a patient's home
  • a health visitor will help with tasks such as using the toilet, getting out of bed, reminders of medication, and dressing.