Subdecks (2)

Cards (44)

  • How long is the river exe?
  • River exe source?

    in the hills of Exmoor
  • River Exe mouth?

    the sea at Exmouth
  • Where is Exmouth?
    Devon- South Coast
  • River Exe tributaries?
    Has an extensive network of tributariews
  • What is a tributary?
    A stream that joins a main river channel at a confluence
  • River Exe drainage density?
    high drainage density
  • Define drainage density?
    The area of land that is drained by a river and tributaries ?
  • River Exe Geology?
    estimated 84.4% of the catchment is underlain by impermeable rocks , mostly Devonian sandstone, which accounts for the extensive drainage network
  • Explain the link between the geology and the drainage density?
    Impermeable rock and soils tend to have higher drainage density due to the lack of infiltration and percolation
    • this means that water enters a channel quickly , leading to an increase in discharge
  • River Exe Water Balance Equation?
    Precipitation 1295mm = evaporation +/- soil water change 451mm + runoff 844mm
  • the orographic effect is the effect of what?
    high ground
  • why is rainfall high\?
    orographic effect
  • what % of precipitation becomes runoff?
  • What happens to the remaining 35% of precipitation that DOES NOT become runoff?
    infiltrates/ intercepted
  • give one reason that makes hydrographs subdued?
    the rural nature of the lower catchment
    • 82% of catchment is either woodland or grassland#
  • what percetnage of the river exe catchment is either woodland or grassland?
  • Give 3 reasons that might make hydrographs flashy in this basin?
    1. impermeable geology
    2. deforestation
    3. limited interception - 65% runoff