11.1 Classification of animals and Circulatory system
11.1.1 Animal Classification
Created by
Kriti Kochhal
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What is the main purpose of classification systems in biology?
To explain
evolutionary relationships
among organisms
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How were organisms traditionally classified?
According to similarities and differences in their morphological and anatomical characteristics
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What modern methods are used for classifying organisms?
By genetics and the sequence of bases in DNA
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What does it indicate if two organisms have similar DNA base sequences?
They are more closely related
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What is the significance of amino acid sequences in classification?
They can also be used to classify organisms
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What defines a species in biological terms?
A group of organisms that can reproduce to produce fertile offspring
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What is the binomial naming system?
An organism is named using two parts: the
and the
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How is the genus name formatted in the binomial naming system?
The genus name starts with a capital letter
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Give an example of a species using the binomial naming system.
Homo sapiens
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How is the animal kingdom divided?
Into vertebrates and invertebrates
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What are the two main groups of vertebrates?
Bony fish and invertebrates
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What are the characteristics of bony fish?
They absorb oxygen through gills and have wet scales
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How do bony fish reproduce?
By external fertilization and laying eggs
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What is a defining feature of amphibians?
They can live on land and water
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How do amphibians absorb oxygen?
Through their lungs and moist skin
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How do amphibians reproduce?
external fertilization
laying eggs
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What are the characteristics of reptiles?
They have lungs and dry scales
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How do reptiles reproduce?
By internal fertilization and laying eggs
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What are the characteristics of birds?
They have lungs, feathers, and beaks
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How do birds maintain their body temperature?
They are warm-blooded
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How do birds reproduce?
By internal fertilization and laying eggs
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What are the characteristics of mammals?
They have lungs and fur
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How do mammals reproduce?
By internal fertilization and giving birth to live young
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What are the main characteristics of vertebrates?
Have a backbone and an internal skeleton
Include bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals
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What are the main characteristics of invertebrates?
Do not have a backbone
Include arthropods
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What does the term "dichotomous" mean in the context of dichotomous keys?
It means 'branching into two'
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How does a dichotomous key function?
It leads the user through to the name of the organism by giving two descriptions at a time
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What is the process for using a dichotomous key?
Pick a single organism and follow the statements until you find the name
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What are cladograms used for?
To illustrate evolutionary relationships
To show how different species are related through common ancestors
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