There were concerns over national efficiency as Germany, Japan and USA were catching up to Britian's Industrial output
Green, Hobbs, and Hobhouse were influential modern liberals
Classical Liberalism stressed the individual too much
New Liberalism provided safety nets to prevent people falling into destitution
Tariff Reforms, under Joe Chamberlain, created a wave of disaffection as people feared higher prices from abroard
Churchill joined the Liberals in 1904, after Tariff Reform split the Conservatives
Tariff reform campaign was in 1903
Taff-Vale Case was in 1902
Lib-Lab pact was 1903
Chinese Labour issue was prominent in from 1902-04
Boer War, 1902 EducationAct, 1904 LicensingAct, Chinese Labourissue, Taff-Vale Case and Neglect of social reform were all reasons for the Conservative Loss in 1906
Social Reform was seen as the key way to solve the concerns over national efficiency
Lib-Lab Pact was where Liberals agreed not to contest labour in areas of Labour strength to bring down the Conservatives
Lib-Lab pact reduced election costs
Labour had a substantial election fund of £150,000 after not having to fight the Liberals
The Boer War was costly in lives, showed the growing awareness of poverty and the horrors of the concentration camps
The Boer War created a wave of discontent towards the Conservative Government
Chinese Labour issue made British workers fear that they would be replaced and made redundant for cheaper chinese workers
Non-Conformists were angered by the government paying reparations to landlords and brewers
The 1904 Licensing Act became known as the "BrewersBill"
Balfour didn't understand the social issues of the time, and was a poor replacement for Salisbury in 1902 as he lacked political skill
Lib-Lab pact benefitted Labour more than the Liberals, providing them with increased power and representation
Non-Conformists were angered by the 1902 Education Act as their taxes were paying for religious schools
Non-conformists pledged support for the Liberals following the 1902 Education Act
The Taff Vale case showed the government as being opposed to the interests of striking workers as they refused to overrule the Lords' decision
The Boer War highlighted Military and Administrative innefficencies
Liberals used the growing awareness of poverty, after the Boer War, to champion the idea of minimum living standards for all
New Liberalism championed collectivist solutions to social problems
New Liberalism stressed freedom from evils
Balfour decided the government should step down in 1906, calling the election of 1906
Liberals won 401 seats, Conservatives won 157, and Labour won 29 seats in the 1906 Election
The Boer War was from 1899-1902
In 1913, 60% of imports came from staple industries
Britain's economic dominance was being challenged by Germany and the USA
New industries were expanding at a rate of 3.8% compared to 2% manufacturing growth
By 1901, 1,400,000 people were working in agriculture due to mechanisation and foreign imports
Farming accounted for 10% of employment, investment, and national income in 1906-14
There was a period of agricultural depression in the late 19th century due to competition from abroad with cheap grain
Famers changed their focus of production by 1914 to cattle and dairy farming
Britain was the world's leading trading nation at the start of the 20th century