Aldehyde and ketones

Cards (24)

  • If the c=o is at the end of the chain with a H attached, it is an aldehyde
    name ends in -al
  • If the c=o is in the middle of the chain it is a ketone
    ends in -one
  • Smaller carbonyls are soluble in water as they can form hydrogen bonds with water
  • Carbonyl is functional group with formula c=o
  • Pure carbonyls cannot hydrogen bond to themselves but are attracted by permanent dipole forces
  • c=c bond isn’t as strong as c=o so doesn’t undergo addition reactions easily
    attracts electrophiles instead
  • Potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 is oxidising agent for aldehydes and alcohols
  • Primary alcohol oxidised to aldehyde—> carboxylic acid
  • Secondary alcohol oxidised to ketone
  • tertiary alcohol does not oxidise
  • oxidation of aldehyde
    reaction: aldehyde --> carboxylic acid
    reagent: potassium dichromate acidified with dilute sulfuric acid
    conditions: heat under reflux
  • aldehyde oxidation equation
    RCHO + [O] --> RCO2H
  • in oxidisation reaction you will observe orange dichromate ion reduce to green Cr3+ ion
  • Tollens reagent is made from aqueous ammonia and silver nitrate
    produces complex ion [Ag(NH3)2]+
  • Tollens reagent test
    add reagent and heat gently
    only aldehydes oxidised into carboxylic acid, see silver mirror coating when silver ions reduced to silver atom
    no change for ketones
  • Fehlings solution test
    Solution contains blue Cu2+ ions, heat gently
    only aldehydes oxidised, copper ions reduced to copper oxide, producing brick red precipitate
    no change for ketones
  • reduction of carbonyls with NaBH4
    mechanism: nucleophilic addition
    reaction: aldehyde --> primary alcohol, ketone --> secondary alcohol
    reagent: NaBH4 in aqueous ethanol
    conditions: room temperature and pressure
  • carbonyls undergo nucleophilic addition as NaBH4 contain a source of nucleophilic hydride ions (:H-) which are attracted to the positive carbon in the c=o bond
  • carbonyls can also be reduced using catalytic hydrogenation
    reagent: hydrogen and nickel catalysts
    condition: high pressure
  • reduction of carbonyl with CN
    mechanism: nucleophilic addition
    reagent: NaCN and dilute sulfuric acid
    conditions: room temperature and pressure
  • reagents in reduction of carbonyl with CN
    NaCN supplies nucleophilic :Cn-ions
    H2SO4 supplies H+ ions for second step of mechanism
  • when naming hydroxy nitriles CN becomes part of the main chain and the carbon n1
  • We use NaCN instead of HCN as it is less toxic and has higher concentration of CN- ions
    this is because HCN is a weak acid and will only partially ionise
  • nucleophilic addition of HCN to aldehydes and ketones (unsymmetrical) when the trigonal planar carbon is attacked from both sides by HCN
    there is equal chance of either enantiomer forming so racemate is produced with no optical activity