AO3 of Humanistic Approach

Cards (14)

  • What has Rogerian therapy revolutionized?
  • What is a limitation of humanistic psychology compared to other approaches?
    It has little real-world application beyond specialist areas.
  • What has Maslow's hierarchy of needs been used to explain?
    Motivation in the workplace
  • Why might humanistic psychology have had limited impact?
    It lacks a sound evidence-base and is perceived as abstract concepts.
  • What is a characteristic of the concepts in humanistic psychology?
    They are often untestable.
  • How does humanism's approach to studying humans differ from scientific methods?

    Humanism adopts a non-scientific approach, emphasizing free will.
  • What are the implications of humanism's focus on consciousness and emotion?

    These areas are difficult to study scientifically, leading to a lack of empirical evidence.
  • What is a strength of the humanistic approach regarding individual behavior?
    It provides a better insight through qualitative methods.
  • How does the humanistic approach differ from reductionist positions in science?
    It offers a more holistic view of human behavior.
  • Why might the humanistic approach have more validity?
    It considers meaningful human behavior within its real-life context.
  • What are the applications of the humanistic approach in various topic areas?
    • **Depression**: Results from lack of unconditional positive regard and self-acceptance.
    • **Schizophrenia**: Used as supportive therapy for relatives.
    • **Aggression**: Results from not fully functioning psychologically, blocking personal growth.
    • **Stress**: Counselling for stressful events provides insight and control.
  • What does aggressive behavior result from according to the humanistic approach?
    It results from people who are not fully functioning at a psychological level.
  • How does the humanistic approach view the removal of aggression?
    It facilitates personal growth.
  • What type of therapy can be used for stressful life events like divorce and bereavement?