stem cells

Cards (5)

  • embryonic stem cells:
    • form when egg and sperm cell fuse to form zygote
    • can differentiate into any body cell
    • could be used to replace pancreas cells in those suffering with diabetes etc.
  • adult stem cells are found in bone marrow and can form many types of cells like blood cells
  • meristems in plants:
    • found in root and shoot tips
    • can differentiate into any type of plant and have this ability throughout plants life
    • used to make clones
  • benefits of stem cells:
    • used to replace damaged or diseased body parts
    • unwanted embryos from fertility clinics can be used
    • research into process of differentiation
  • problems of stem cells:
    • we do not completely understand the process of differentiation so hard to control stem cells to form desired cells
    • removal of stem cells results in destruction of embryo
    • people may have religious or ethical objections as it interferes with natural process of reproduction
    • if a growing stem cells is contaminated with a virus, an infection can be transferred to the individual
    • money and time better spent into other areas