Cards (106)

    • What is the title of the excerpt from the Santiago Alvarez account?
      “Katipunan and the Revolution: Memoirs of a General”
    • When was the assembly at Tejeros convened?
      25 March 1897
    • Who presided over the assembly at Tejeros?
      Secretary Jacinto Lumbreras
    • Who were seated at the long presidential table during the assembly?
      Jacinto Lumbreras, Andres Bonifacio, Mariano M. Alvarez, Pascual Alvarez, Ariston Villanueva, Mariano C. Trias, Diego Mojica, Emiliano R. de Dios, Santiago Rillo, Baldomero Aguinaldo, Daniel Tirona, and Cayetano Topacio
    • What confidential information did Secretary of War Ariston Villanueva receive before the assembly?

      That Mr. Daniel Tirona of the Magdalo faction was set to undermine the proceedings of the assembly
    • What was the main topic of discussion announced by Chairman Jacinto Lumbreras?
      How to bolster the defenses in the areas still under Magdiwang control
    • What did Mr. Severino de las Alas suggest should be discussed before minor details?
      What kind of government they should have and how to establish it
    • What did Chairman Lumbreras state about the Katipunan's authority?
      That the Katipunan holds authority over the islands and has a government of law
    • What does the "K" in the middle of the sun in the Katipunan flag stand for?
      Kalayaan (Freedom)
    • How did Mr. Severino de las Alas challenge the Supremo's statement about the flag?
      He argued that the letter "K" and the sun did not indicate whether the revolutionary government was democratic or not
    • What did the Supremo say about the Katipunan's stance on government?
      It stood for people's sovereignty, not a government led by only one or two
    • What was Mr. Antonio Montenegro's argument regarding the kind of revolutionary government?
      That they needed to agree on the kind of revolutionary government or they would be no better than bandits
    • How did General Apoy respond to Mr. Montenegro's remarks?
      He expressed hurt and anger, defending the Katipunan's legitimacy
    • What did General Apoy claim about the Katipunan's actions?
      They were true revolutionaries fighting for freedom and not bandits
    • What did General Apoy order regarding Mr. Montenegro?
      He ordered his arrest
    • How did Dr. Jose Rizal's sister and widow intervene during the assembly?
      They pleaded with General Apoy not to arrest Mr. Montenegro
    • What was the reaction of the Magdiwang troops to General Apoy's denunciation of Mr. Montenegro?
      They became suspicious and were ready to shoot
    • What did the Supremo Bonifacio do to restore order after the disruption?
      He prevailed upon the others to continue the assembly
    • Why did Mr. Lumbreras want to yield the chair to the Supremo?
      He believed the Supremo was the rightful chairman as the Father of the Katipunan and the Revolution
    • What was the purpose of the assembly called by Mr. Lumbreras?
      To establish a new overall revolutionary council
    • What did the Supremo Bonifacio remind the assembly regarding decisions made in meetings?
      That they should respect and abide by the wishes of the majority
    • What positions were prepared for election during the assembly?
      President, vice-president, minister of finance, minister of welfare, minister of justice, and captain general
    • What criteria did the Supremo Bonifacio set for the election of candidates?
      That the candidate who received the most votes should win, regardless of their station in life or educational attainment
    • What was the reaction of the assembly to the Supremo's criteria for election?
      There were shouts of approval for equality for everyone
    • Who was appointed as secretary by the Supremo Bonifacio?
      General Artemio Ricarte
    • What warning did Mr. Diego Mojica give to the Supremo regarding the ballots?
      That many ballots distributed were already filled out
    • How did the Supremo respond to Mr. Mojica's warning about the ballots?
      He ignored the remark and proceeded with the election
    • Who won the election for president at the assembly?
      Mr. Emilio Aguinaldo
    • What did Mr. Severino de las Alas propose regarding the Supremo's election results?
      That the Supremo Bonifacio should be proclaimed vice-president
    • How did the Supremo Bonifacio rule regarding the election for vice-president?
      He ruled that the election continued without acknowledging Mr. de las Alas's proposal
    • Who won the election for vice-president?
      Mr. Mariano Trias
    • Who was elected captain general?
      General Vibora
    • What did General Vibora say about his election?
      He demurred, saying he had neither the ability nor the right to assume the position
    • How did General Apoy respond to General Vibora's objections?
      He vouched for General Vibora's competence and right to occupy the position
    • What suggestion did Mr. Baldomero Aguinaldo make to facilitate the counting of votes?

      That voters should stand on one side of the hall if in favor and on the other side if against
    • Who was elected as secretary of war?
      Mr. Emiliano R. de Dios
    • What did Mr. Daniel Tirona request regarding the secretary of the interior position?
      That it should not be entrusted to someone who is not a lawyer
    • How did the Supremo Bonifacio respond to Mr. Tirona's remarks about the secretary of the interior election?
      He demanded an apology from Mr. Tirona and insisted on respecting the majority vote
    • What did the Supremo Bonifacio do when Mr. Tirona did not respond to his demand for an apology?
      He pulled out his revolver and took aim
    • What happened when disorder ensued during the assembly?
      The convention secretary tried to disarm the Supremo, and people began to disperse