Psychology Attachment

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    • what is attachment?
      - emotional bond between a caregiver and a child
      - reciprocated and withstands over time
    • What is reciprocity?

      - each person responds to the other and elicits a response from them
    • what are alert phases?
      - Babies signal that they are ready for interaction
    • what did Feldman and Eidelman find about alert phases?
      mothers pick up and respond to these signals 2/3rds of the time
    • what happens to reciprocity at 3 months?
      - increases in frequency
      - infants and caregivers pay more attention to each others facial and verbal communication
    • what does sensitive responsiveness in reciprocity do?
      lays foundations for later attachment
    • what did Brezalton et al describe reciprocity as

      couple dancing together responding to each others rhythm
    • what is interactional synchrony?

      - caregivers and babies reflect each others actions/emotions in coordinated way
      - important for caregiver infant interaction development
    • what was the procedure in Isabella et al's interactional synchrony study?
      observed 30 mothers and infants together to assess the synchrony and relationship quality
    • What did Isabella et al find?
      -high levels of synchrony associated with better attachment
    • What did Meltzoff and Moore investigate?
      - observed interactional synchrony in babies
      - adults displayed one of three facial expressions
      - babies responses were filmed
    • What did Meltzoff and Moore find?
      - clear association between infant and adult behaviour with same results in 3 day old infants
      - findings suggest interactional synchrony is innate and reduces strength of claim that it's learnt
    • what is a strength of caregiver infant interactions?
      - filmed observations in lab
      - can be analysed later and factors controlled
      - high inter observer reliability
      - no demand characteristics as observation is covert
    • what is a limitation of caregiver infant interactions?
      meltzoff and moore has methodological issues
      - research may have been interpreted behaviour in a biased way
      - research hasn't been able to replicate findings so it's unreliable
    • what is a second limitation of caregiver infant interactions?
      hard to interpret baby behaviour as they're immobile and uncoordinated so can't fully establish cause and effect
    • what is a third limitation of caregiver infant interactions?
      observing behaviour doesn't tell us developmental importance
      - feldman: interactional synchrony and reciprocity are just names given to patterns of observable behaviour
      - can't see how it affects attachment later in life
    • what was the procedure in Schaffer and Emerson's stages of attachment study?
      - longitudinal observational study of 60 babies from skilled working class glasgow families
      - visited home once a month until one year old then at 18 months
      - asked mother questions about babies disapproval during everyday separation
    • What did Schaffer and Emerson find?
      stages of attachment
    • what is the first stage of attachment?
      Asocial stage - 2 months
      - similar responses to objects and people
      - prefer familiar people
      - form bonds with certain people (basis for later attachment)
    • what is the second stage of attachment?
      Indiscriminate attachment - 2-7 months
      - clear preference for people
      - accept affection from anyone
      - no stranger/separation anxiety
    • what is the third stage of attachment?
      Specific attachment - 7-12 months
      - display attachment to primary attachment figure
      - show separation/stranger anxiety
    • what is the fourth stage of attachment?
      Multiple attachments - 1 year+
      - attachment to multiple people (secondary attachments)
    • what is a strength of the stages of attachment?
      schaffer and emerson have good ecological validity
      - carried out in families homes
      - no distracted babies and see babies everyday natural behaviour
    • what is a second strength of the stages of attachment?
      schaffer and emerson's study was longitudinal
      - have better ecological validity than cross sectional design
      - no counfounding variables so increased internal validity
    • what is a third strength of the stages of attachment?
      practical use in deciding children's daycare
    • what is a limitation of the stages of attachment?
      - schaffer and emerson's study lacks validity in asocial stage
      - babies have poor coordination and are immobile
      - hard to objectively observe signs of anxiety and attachment
    • What did Schaffer and Emerson find about the role of the father?
      - father is the babies closest male caregiver
      - less likely to be the first attachment figure (3%)
      - 27% were first joint with the mother
      - 75% babies at 18 months showed separation anxiety with father as second attachment figure
    • what did Grossmann et al investigate about the role of the father?
      - longitudinal study (babies to teens)
      - looked at both parents behaviour/relationship with quality of babies attachment to others
    • what did Grossmann et al find about the role of the father?
      - quality of mothers attachment is related to adolescent attachments
      - fathers role is to do with play and stimulation
    • what did Field investigate about the role of the father?
      - filmed 4 month old babies looking at face to face interactions with primary caregiver mothers, secondary caregiver fathers, and primary caregiver fathers
    • what did Field find about the role of the father?
      - primary caregiver fathers spend more time smiling, imitating, and holding babies than secondary
      - fathers have potential to be primary caregiver but only express if given the role
    • what is a limitation of the role of the father?
      lack of clarity over question being asked
      - are they understanding role of the father as secondary or primary attachment figure
    • what is a second limitation of the role of the father?
      research has methodological issues
      - if fathers have a distinctive and important role, single mothers children would have different outcome than others when they don't
    • what is a strength of the role of the father?
      research support
      - researchers found fathers play is more exciting than mothers
      - mothers role was affectionate
      - shows fathers play a different role
    • what is a second strength of the role of the father?
      offers advice to parents for leaving children at daycare, homosexual/single parent families, etc
    • what did Lorenz investigate in animal studies?
      - imprinting in offspring
      - divided geese eggs into 2 batches: control group hatched by mother and second hatched in incubator and saw Lorenz as the first large moving object
      - marked geese based on condition and put them in an upside down box
    • what did Lorenz find in animal studies?
      - when box removed, natural geese went to mother and incubated geese wen to Lorenz
      - imprinting occurred in critical period (4-25 hours after hatching)
      - relationship is long lasting and irreversible
    • what did Harlow investigate in animal studies?
      - extent of comfort contact and food influence in monkeys attachment
      - constructed surrogate mothers: wire and soft cloth covered
      - sample of 16 monkeys
      - milk dispensed from either wire or cloth mother (2 conditions)
    • what did Harlow find in animal studies?
      - monkeys preferred cuddling with cloth mother for comfort regardless of milk
      - 90 day critical period
      - attachment is impossible and damage is irreversible if attachment not formed
      - contact comfort is more important than food
    • what did Harlow conclude were the long term consequences of the monkeys being maternally deprived?
      - caused dysfunctional, abnormal, asocial behaviour: more aggressive and less sociable
      - bred less than typical and unskilled in mating
      - when mothers, some neglecting offspring, attacked, or killed their children
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