Mouldy, blistered, wrinkly feet that were numb and swollen
How was trench foot treated?
Mainly amputation, whale oil.
Every man had 3 pairs of socks which they changed twice a day
What was trench fever?
A flu like disease that was caused by lice which bit and spread the disease. Victims would often feel pain in ones and joints. Treatments consisted of lice repellents, disinfecting clothing and physically pulling lice out of clothing.
What was the term used for shell shock?
What was the cause of NYD.N?
The constant trauma and unhealthy conditions of war lead to the mental affect.
What were the symptoms of shell shock?
Physical reaction to fear, constant trauma that does not go away
Treatments of shell shock would consist of exercises with the bodypart which was affected, resting and therapy
Describe the nature of wounds during the war
When soldiers were wounded in war (often due to weak protections) they would suffer from severe internal/tissue damage and blood loss. The solution was amputation and stronger protection
What was the cause of infection?
Bullets that went deep in the body, dragging dirt into the body.
Describe the symptoms of infection.
Swollen, discolouration and lack of healing
Treatments for infection were very limited and doctors only used antiseptic but for the severity of the wounds in the war, it was not enough.
Poisoned gas was used to disabled the enemy and would cause suffocation and loss of senses. Gas masks were used or urinated cloth and deep cleaning on the service.