Faye Glenn Abdellah

Cards (23)

  • Faye Glenn Abdellah - the first nurse officer to earn the ranking of a two-star rear admiral
  • Faye Glenn Abdellah - the first nurse and the first woman to serve as a Deputy Surgeon General
  • Twenty-One Nursing Problems - states that, “Nursing is based on an art and science that molds the attitudes, intellectual competencies, and technical skills of the individual nurse into the desire and ability to help people, sick or well, cope with their health needs.”
  • Subdivision of the 21 Nursing Problems
    - Basic to all, Sustenal care needs, Remedial care needs, and Restorative care needs
  • Basic to All - to maintain good hygiene and physical comfort; promote optimal activity, including exercise, rest and sleep; promote safety through the prevention of accidents, injury or other trauma and through the prevention of the spread of infection; and maintain good body mechanics and prevent or correct deformity.
  • Sustenal Care Needs - facilitate the maintenance of a supply of oxygen to all body cells; facilitate the maintenance of nutrition of all body cells; facilitate the maintenance of elimination; facilitate the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance; recognize the physiological responses of the body to disease conditions; facilitate the maintenance of regulatory mechanisms and functions; and facilitate the maintenance of sensory function.
  • Remedial Care Needs - identify and accept positive and negative expressions, feelings, and reactions; identify and accept the interrelatedness of emotions and organic illness; facilitate the maintenance of effective verbal and non-verbal communication; promote the development of productive interpersonal relationships; facilitate progress toward achievement of personal spiritual goals; create and maintain a therapeutic environment; and facilitate awareness of the self as an individual with varying physical, emotional, and developmental needs.
  • Restorative Care Needs - include the acceptance of the optimum possible goals in light of limitations, both physical and emotional; the use of community resources as an aid to resolve problems that arise from illness; and the understanding of the role of social problems as influential factors in the case of illness.
  • Persons - described as having physical, emotional, and sociological needs
  • Persons - are the recipients of nursing
  • Individuals (and families) - described as the nursing recipients
  • Health - the dynamic pattern of functioning whereby there is a continued interaction with internal and external forces
  • Environment - includes the home or community from which the patient comes
  • Nursing - a helping profession
  • Nursing care - doing something for or to the patient or giving the patient information with the goals of meeting needs, increasing or restoring self-help ability, or alleviating impairments
  • Nursing - to help the patient achieve goals to reach optimum health
  • Nursing Problems - the client's health needs
  • Nursing Problem - A problem that is identified by the nurse and is a concern to the client.
  • Overt - apparent condition
  • Covert - a hidden or concealed condition
  • Overt - consisting largely of physical needs
  • Covert - can be emotional, sociological, and interpersonal in nature, they are often missed or misunderstood
  • Problem-solving - by identifying the problem, selecting pertinent data, formulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses through collecting data, and revising hypotheses when necessary based on conclusions obtained from the data.