Cards (11)

  • canter proposed that offender not only reveal themselves through how they commit a crime, but also through the timing and locations
  • the geographical approach to profiling involves generalising from the locations of linked crime scenes to the likely home or operational base of the offender
  • the basic assumption of geographical profiling is that the offenders prefer to operate in areas they know well, close to home or places they have visited regularly.
  • what 2 spatial patterns of offenders did Canter and Larkin 1993 identify?
    Marauder - used a fixed base (often home)
    Commuter - travels to the crime location
  • if the pattern of offences suggests a detailed knowledge of the are, then it is likely that they are a marauder
  • according to Canter, location of the crime scenes reflect the offender's mental map of the area
  • mental maps are the schemes of the individual's knowledge of the area, and will be unique to each individual
  • the location of the crime scenes can be used to infer not only where the offender is based, but also other aspects of their experiences, such as interests, employment and relationships
  • the geographical technique uses a computer system called Criminal Geographical Targetting (CGT)
  • spatial data which are data relating to the distance, movement and time to and from the crime scene, are analysed to produce 3D model as jeopardy surface
  • the jeopardy surface provides the investigation team with an indication of the location of the offender's operational base