Attachment intro

Cards (5)

  • 5 behaviours that indicate attachment:
    • Proximity seeking
    • General orientation toward a specific individual
    • Distress at separation
    • Joy on reunion
    • Sensitivity of the caregiver to the needs of the infant
  • Attachment definition
    An enduring emotional bond between two people characterised by anxiety upon separation and joy at reunion.
  • Define reciprocity
    The interactions between carer and infant are characterised by 'turn-taking'. Often behaviours in one are mimicked by the other. e.g. if infant smiles, caregiver smiles.
  • What did Mary Ainsworth add to the definition of attachment?
    For the infant, the attachment bond provides a sense of comfort and security and provides a safe base from which it can explore their world.
  • What is interactional synchrony? 

    Maintained engagement and coordination between an infant and caregiver.