Meltzoff and Moore

Cards (9)

  • What was the aim of the Meltzoff and Moore investigation?
    To investigate reciprocity between infants and caregivers
  • How was the Meltzoff and Moore investigation carried out?
    Controlled observations using 18 babies (age 12 to 27 days old). They were exposed to 3 facial gestures (sticking tongue out, open mouth, pursed lips).
  • How were the results of the Meltzoff and Moore investigation recorded?
    • The babies responses to the gestures were video recorded
    • Independent observers scored the behaviours based on pre-defined behaviour categories
    • Each tape was scored by 2 observers
  • What were the findings of the Meltzoff and Moore investigation?
    Results indicated that babies aged 12-27 days old could imitate the gestures.
  • What was the conclusion of the Meltzoff and Moore investigation?
    The ability to reciprocate a caregivers actions by mimicking their behaviour is either innate or is acquired very early in life
  • What is the cause and effect evaluation of the Meltzoff & Moore investigation?
    P= Established cause and effect
    E= Was a controlled & scientific investigation so babies facial expressions likely to only be influenced by caregiver modelling it
    E= Strength as makes results more valid, also reduced effects of possible extraneous variables
  • What is the inter-observer reliability evaluation of Meltzoff & Moore investigation?
    P= Inter-observer reliability established
    E = 2 observers independently viewed caregiver-infant interaction & scored it based on how accurately infant imitated facial expression modelled
    E = Strength as makes results more reliable
  • What is the questionable reciprocity evaluation of the Meltzoff & Moore investigation?
    P= Infants reciprocate actions but why?
    E = Adult models behaviour & infant imitates. Can be reliably observed but doesn't tell us purpose of these behaviours.
    E= Therefore can't know from observational research alone that reciprocity is important for a child's development
  • What is the difficulty observing infants evaluation of the Meltzoff & Moore investigation?
    P = Difficult to observe infants
    E = Appeared to be imitating facial expressions but infants lack co-ordination & are mostly immobile.
    E = Therefore cannot be certain observed behaviour is result of imitation or has any particularly important reason