Development of attachments

Cards (16)

  • What was the Schaffer and Emerson investigation aiming to find out?
    The development of infant-caregiver attachments, including how intense attachments were and to who.
  • What was the sample of the Schaffer and Emerson investigation?
    60 babies (29 female; 31 male) from a working-class area of Glasgow
  • How was the Schaffer and Emerson investigation carried out?
    • Babies and mothers visited in their homes every 4 weeks for first year and again at 18 months
    • Measured strength of attachment by asking how distressed babies became when separated from main caregiver
    • Measured strength of attachment by observing how distressed babies were when left alone with an unfamiliar person
  • What are the 2 forms of anxiety shown in infants which indicates an attachment has been developed?
    • Separation anxiety
    • Stranger anxiety
  • What were the findings of the Schaffer and Emerson experiment?
    • First development to caregiver typically developed at 25-32 weeks
    • First attachment often occurred with adult who interacted with the infant the most and was most sensitive to the infants signals
    • Fear of strangers typically developed between 25-32 weeks (although there was a lot of variation)
  • What does ecological validity mean?
    Ecological validity is a measure of how generalizable findings are to the real world
  • What are the 4 stages of attachment that Emerson and Schaffer proposed infants have?
    • Asocial
    • Indiscriminate attachment
    • Specific attachment
    • Multiple attachments
  • What are the characteristics of the asocial stage and when does it occur?
    • Occurs within the first few weeks
    • Recognising and forming bonds with carers
    • Have slight preference for familiar adults
    • Happy in presence of other humans
  • What are the characteristics of the indiscriminate stage and when does it occur?
    • 2 - 6 months
    • Show a preference for people compared to inanimate objects
    • Recognise and prefer familiar adults
    • No signs of anxiety around unfamiliar people or when apart from main caregiver
  • What are the characteristics of the specific attachment stage and when does it occur?
    • 7 months
    • Separation / stranger anxiety when separated from main caregiver
  • What are the characteristics of the multiple attachments stage and when does it occur?
    • 12 months +
    • Start to form attachments with multiple adults who they spend regular time with (secondary attachments)
  • What is the ecological validity evaluation of the Schaffer & Emerson study?
    P= High ecological validity
    E= Carried out in infants homes
    E= In familiar environment so likely to act as they would on an everyday basis. Therefore results are more valid
  • What is the longitudinal evaluation of the Schaffer & Emerson study?
    P= A longitudinal design
    E= Schaffer & Emerson visited the same infants at fixed time points throughout the study
    E = Allowed them to see how attachments develop over time and compare with other infants data to identify patterns - valid results
  • What is the generalisability evaluation of the Schaffer & Emerson study?
    P= Research is culturally biased & not generalisable
    E= Investigated infants who came from same part & social class of Glasgow
    E= Different social/cultural practices could affect how attachments develop therefore results could be unreliable for other cultures
  • What is the difficulty observing infants evaluation of the Schaffer & Emerson study?
    P= Difficulty observing infants
    E= During asocial stage infants are immobile & coordination is poor which makes them hard to observe objectively
    E= Therefore could have underestimated infants emotions/cognitions which makes results unreliable
  • What is the behavioural measures evaluation of the Schaffer & Emerson study?
    P= Only used 2 behavioural measures to investigate attachment development
    E= One investigated stranger anxiety and one investigated separation anxiety
    E= Hard to capture complexity of behaviour with only 2 measures so descriptions of stages likely incomplete - can't be used alone to understand attachment development