Origins intro

Cards (12)

  • When did psychology emerge?
    Around 1880
  • What is empiricism?

    Where information is gathered through direct observation or experiment (not beliefs or reason arguments)
  • What are the steps of scientific method?
    • Ask a question
    • State a hypothesis
    • Conduct an experiment
    • Analyse the results
    • Make a conclusion
  • What does objectivity mean?

    When the researcher doesn't impose their own ideas, beliefs or expectations when interpreting the results of their research
  • What does paradigm mean? (In terms of science)

    That a science should have a unified set of assumptions and methods
  • What does falsifiability mean?

    Not seeking to find evidence to prove a theory, but seeking evidence to disprove a theory. Non-falsifiable theories are non-scientific.
  • What is replicability?

    A scientific method can be repeated and achieve similar results to the original
  • What is apperception?

    Organising and making sense of our experiences as a unified whole, or perceiving new experiences in relation to past ones
  • What does standardisation mean?

    A form of control where all instructions and materials are presented in the same way for all participants
  • What is reliability?

    When a way of conducting research leads to consistent findings.
  • What is validity?

    When a piece of research actually measures what it was intended to measure.
  • What is generalisability?

    When research is representative of real life / to other groups, so any conclusions from the research can be applied to real life.