Amino acids are smallmolecules which make up proteins
Anticodon is a tripletsequence of bases on tRNA molecules that are complimentary to a specific codon in mRNA
Asexual reproduction includes a single parent and create genetically identical offspring
A Codon is a sequence of threebases in a gene that codes for a particular aminoacid
A blood group is a classification of someone’s blood type (A , B , O) based on surface antigens on redbloodcells and the presence of certain antibodies in the plasma
Chromosomes are long,coiled molecules of DNA that carry geneticinformation in the form of genes
Coding DNA is a sequence of DNA that codes for the production of a protein
Condominance is when both alleles for a gene in a heterozygous organism equally contribute the the phenotype
Complementary base pairs are held by weakhydrogenbonds and include A-T and C-G
Detergent is a chemical used to disruptcell membranes in the extraction of DNA
A diploid cell is a cell that contains twocopies of each chromosome
DNA is a double stranded polymer in the structure of a doublehelix that carries a geneticcode
Dominant alleles are always expressed and represented by a capital letter
Environment variation is a difference in phenotypes caused during the lifespan of an organism due to environmental factors, such as diet
Fertilisation is the fusion of the male and female gametesnucleus
Gametes are sex cells with half the number of chromosome, sperm cell and egg cell
Genetic variation is a difference in the genotypes of an organism due to the presence of differentalleles, caused by mutations and sexualreproduction
A genome is the completegeneticmaterial of an organism
A genotype is an organisms geneticcomposition
A haploid cell is a cell that contains a singlecopy of each chromosome
Heterozygous is when someone has two differentalleles of a gene
Homozygous is when someone has two identicalalleles of the gene
The human genome project is an international project that successfully mapped the entirehumangenome
Meiosis is a form of cell division that produces fourgeneticallydifferentdaughter cells (gametes) with a haploid number of chromosomes
Monohybrid inheritance is the inheritance of a singlegene
mRNA is a polymer of nucleotides that carries geneticinformation from the nucleus to the ribosomes during proteinsynthesis, it is a singlehelix and uses U-A
A mutation Is a random change in the basesequence of DNA which may result in geneticvariation
Non coding DNA dose not code for a protein but instead controls geneexpression by influencing the binding of RNA polymeraseDNA
Nucleotides are the monomers of DNA consisting of a common sugar,phosphate and a backbone
A phenotype is an organisms observablecharacteristics due to the interactions of genotype and the environment
A protein is a largemolecule that is synthesised from aminoacids
Photosynthesis is the formation of a protein from a gene
Recessive alleles are only expressed in the absence of a dominant allele and are represented by a lowercase letter
Ribosomes are sub-cellular structures that are at the site of protein synthesis
RNA polymerase is an enzyme involved in the transcription that binds to a region of the non-coding DNA, unzips the DNA strands and joins free RNAnucleotides to complementary bases on the codingDNAstrand
Sex chromosomes are XY in males and XX in females
Sex linked characteristics are coded by an allele found on a sexchromosome
Sex linked genetic disorders are caused by faultyalleles on a sex chromosome
Sexual reproduction includes two parent gametes fusing and creates genetically different offspring