key verbs phrases and linking words

Cards (27)

  • How do you express a future intention in German?
    Ich werde (verb).
  • What is the German phrase for "I have a brother"?
    Ich habe einen Bruder.
  • How do you say "I went to Strood" in German?
    Ich bin nach Strood gegangen.
  • What is the German phrase for "There was a party"?
    Es gab eine Party.
  • What does "Ich will gute Gesundheit" mean in English?
    I want good health.
  • What is the German phrase for "They are important"?

    Sie sind wichtig.
  • How do you say "I had a cat" in German?
    Ich hatte eine Katze.
  • What is the German phrase for "There will be a problem"?
    Es wird ein Problem geben.
  • How do you express "I played golf" in German?
    Ich habe Golf gespielt.
  • What does "Davor hatte ich noch nie gemacht" mean in English?
    I had never done that before.
  • How do you say "I will go to university" in German?
    Ich werde zur Universität gehen.
  • What does "Sie sagt es seltsam" mean in English?
    She says it strangely.
  • How do you express "I want to learn German" in German?
    Ich will Deutsch lernen.
  • What is the German phrase for "They were for old people"?
    Sie waren für alte Leute.
  • How do you say "London is less than" in German?
    London ist weniger als.
  • What is the German phrase for "I will go to the party"?
    Ich werde zur Party gehen.
  • How do you say "I will be happy" in German?
    Ich werde glücklich sein.
  • How do you say "I will have students" in German?
    Ich werde Studenten haben.
  • What does "Ich bin traurig" mean in English?
    I am sad.
  • How do you express "I went to the store" in German?
    Ich bin zum Laden gegangen.
  • What does "Ich habe (es) gegeben" mean in English?
    I have given (it).
  • How do you say "I will go to Aldi" in German?
    Ich werde zu Aldi gehen.
  • What does "Ich bin (traurie)" mean in English?
    I am (sad).
  • What does "Ich hatte (eine Katze)" mean in English?
    I had (a cat).
  • How do you say "I played (off)" in German?
    Ich habe (off) gespielt.
  • How do you say "I will go to the party" in German?
    Ich werde zur Party gehen.
  • What does "Ich bin a Strood gegangen" mean in English?
    I went to Strood.