Statistical Testing

    Cards (12)

    • why do we use statistical testing
      to check results are significiant and not due to chance - the difference in the DV is truly due to manipulation of the IV
    • whats the accepted probability in psychology
      0.05 or 5%
    • what does 5% probability mean
      theres a less than 5% chance the results occurred by chance/less than 5% chance the difference in the DV was due to something other than the manipulation of IV
    • under what circumstances will the probability be 0.01 or 1%
      if the research involves human cost or one-off investigation where theres a higher level of significance
    • when do you use a sign test (3 points)
      - looking for a difference not association (experiment not correlation)
      - used repeated measures
      - when data is nominal (categorical)
    • what is a calculated value

      the result of the statistical test (the less frequent sign +/-)
    • what is a critical value

      the value given in the table of critical values
    • what do you do with the calculated & critical values
      compare them to see if result is significant
    • when do you use a two-tailed experiment
      with a non-directional hypothesis
    • when do you use a one-tailed experiment

      with a directional hypothesis
    • what must the calculated value be
      equal or lower than the critical value to be significant
    • what are the 6 steps of a sign test
      1. subtract scores of one condition from the other condition
      2. if any Ps perform the same in both (0) ignore them, adjust N value
      3. write either + or - next to each
      4. add up number of + and -
      5. add up amount of less frequent sign = calculated value
      6. compare calculated & critical values (if calculated is less than or equal to critical values = significant)
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