Free Will is the idea that humans are self-determining so are free to choose their own behaviour
Free Will relates to the humanistic approach and cognitive approach although the cognitive approach is constrained by circumstances & other people
Free Will acknowledges biological influences but can be overcome
Free Will emphasizes individual differences and fits society's rule of personal responsibility
Free Will is useful as the concept of self-efficacy can be used in therapies
Free Will is subjective so impossible to test the concept scientifically
Free Will is limited as few people agree that all behaviour is under the control of the individual
Determinism is the idea that behaviour is controlled by external or internal factors acting upon the individual
Biological determinism is the belief that behaviour is caused by internal factors e.g. genes, neurochemistry, brain function, therefore behaviours occur without conscious input
The MAOA 'warrior' gene is a cause for aggression
Environmental determinism is the belief that behaviour is determined by previous experience e.g environmental events, socialisation
Environmental determinism involves the two process model of classical & operant conditioning and the learning theory of attachment
Psychic determinism is the belief that behaviours are determined by unconscious processes influenced by innate drives and childhood experiences
Psychic determinism involves Freud's theory of psychosexual development
Scientific determinism is the belief that events have a cause (IV affects DV directly) which infers cause and effect
Hard determinism is the idea that free will is an illusion and every event and action has a cause
Soft determinism is a middle ground where people have a choice but it is constrained by external factors
Determinism is useful in the development of treatments e.g. drugs for OCD
Determinism overlooks successful therapy approaches e.g. CBT
Determinism contradicts the legal system which relies on the concept of moral responsibility