Nature vs Nurture

Cards (20)

  • Nurture is the influence of experience and the environment
  • Empiricists (e.g. John Locke) argue that the mind is a blank slate at birth
  • Nature is the influence of inherited genetics
  • Nativists (e.g. Rene Descartes) argue that all characteristics are innate and determined by biological factors
  • Bowlby's monotropic theory supports nativism as social releasers are innate behaviours to ensure survival of and infant and perpetuation of parent genes
  • Bandura's bobo doll experiment supports empiricism as it shows that behaviours can be learned & modified through conditioning
  • The behaviourist approach can be contradicted as learning itself may have a genetic basis
  • Relative Contribution is the concept of how much each of nature & nurture influences us, instead of which one
  • Heritability Concept is the number between 0 and 1 which represents the extent to which a trait is inherited
  • Epigenetics are changes in our genetic activity/expression without changing the underlying genetic code e.g smoking, nutrition, stress
  • Dias & Ressler support epigenetics as they used shocks on mice to condition a fear response which was passed onto generations
  • Constructivism is the idea that a person may create their own nurture through selection of environments that fit their nature
  • Nativism is unhelpful for the criminal justice system which is based on personal responsibility for behaviour
  • Nativism can have negative implications around race and IQ, for example eugenicists
  • Empiricism can cause the extreme view that behaviour of the public can be shaped or controlled
  • Scarr & McCartney stated that what might seem to be an environmental effect can be mediated by genetic factors
  • Scarr & McCartney's theory is an active view of the environment is which people select, modify, construct, and reconstruct their experiences on the basis of genetic propensities
  • Passive Interaction is where the parents' genes influence how they treat their children
  • Evocative Interaction is where the child's genes influence the experiences they have or can access
  • Active Interaction is where the child creates its own environment by actively choosing experiences & people