Hemispheric Lateralisation is when the two halves of the brain are functionally different so certain mental processes are controlled by one hemisphere
Each half of the body is controlled by the opposite hemisphere
The left hemisphere controls logic & analytic thought, language & speech, maths & science,
The right hemisphere controls creativity & imagination, intuition, face recognition, navigating spacially etc
The Corpus Callosum is a thick bundle of nerves connecting the two hemispheres which ensures both sides can communicate and send signals to each other
Sperry & Gazzaniga used split-brain patients who had undergone a surgical procedure where the corpus callosum is cut in an attempt to cure epilepsy
A lack of left hemisphere means that the patients are unable to use written/spoken language or name objects/letters/numbers
A lack of right hemisphere means that the patients are unable to draw objects accurately, copy a design or recognize facts/complex visual objects
Sperry & Gazzaniga used a small sample size and only studied patients with epilepsy so has low generalisability
Sperry & Gazzaniga's experiment had low mundane realism as it does not reflect how we use our brains in real life
When a word was flashed to the left field of view, the patient was unable to say what they saw but was able to draw it
Equipotentiality theory is that basic motor and sensory functions are localised but higher processes aren't so that other areas can take over if there in brain injury