Ch 2 Kinetic Particle Theory

Cards (31)

  • What is the kinetic particle theory?
    States that all matter is made up of tiny particles and these particles are in constant random motion
  • What are the features of the particles in a solid?
    -very closely packed in an orderly manner
    -vibrate only about their fixed positions
    -very strong forces of attraction
    -Very low kinetic energy of particles
    -definite shape
    -definite volume
    -cannot be compressed
  • What are the features of the particles in a liquid?

    -closely packed in a disorderly manner
    -slide past one another freely throughout liquid
    -less strong forces of attraction
    -low kinetic energy of particles
    -indefinite shape
    -definite volume
    -cannot be compressed
  • What are the features of the particles in a gas?
    -very far apart in a disorderly manner
    -move quickly and randomly in any direction
    -very weak strong forces of attraction
    -high kinetic energy of particles
    -indefinite shape
    -indefinite volume
    -can be compressed
  • What happens to the particles when a substance is heated?
    -Thermal energy transferred to substance from surrounding
    -Some energy converted to Kinetic energy
    -Higher kinetic energy -> higher temperature of substance to melting / boiling point
    -Particles move faster and become further apart
  • What happens to the particles when a substance is cooled?
    -Thermal energy transferred from substance to surrounding
    -Lower kinetic energy -> lower temperature of substance
    -Particles move slower and become closer together
  • What are transition temperature?
    -Freezing (F) / melting (M) / boiling (B) points
    -results in change of state
  • What happens to particles during melting?
    -At melting point, Thermal energy is absorbed from surroundings
    -Increased energy of particles, particles are able to overcome the very strong forces of attraction in the solid state
    -Disrupts the orderly packing arrangement
    (optional based on question)
    Movement of particles: particles vibrating in their fixed positions begin sliding over each other freely throughout the liquid
    Arrangement of particles: Particles become less closely packed and has a disorderly arrangement
  • What happens to particles during boiling?
    -At boiling point, Thermal energy is absorbed from surroundings
    -Increased energy of particles, particles are able to overcome the strong forces of attraction in the liquid state
    (optional based on question)
    Movement of particles: particles move quickly and randomly in any direction.
    Arrangement of particles: Particles move further apart and is in a disorderly arrangement
  • What happens to particles when still heated past the melting point?
    -After all the solid melts into liquid,
    Thermal energy is again converted to kinetic energy
    -particles move freely throughout liquid
    -temperature rises beyond melting point
  • What happens to particles during freezing?
    -At freezing point, Thermal energy is lost to surroundings
    -decreased energy of particles, particles are drawn closer together by forces of attraction between them
    (optional based on question)
    Movement of particles: particles stop sliding over each other and begin vibrating in its fixed position
    Arrangement of particles: Particles become more closely packed together and becomes more orderly
  • Why is the freezing point fixed?
    -the particles are being drawn closer together by forces of attraction between them fully.
  • Why is the melting / boiling point fixed?
    The particles are overcoming the forces of attraction between them
  • What happens to particles when still cooled past freezing point?
    -The kinetic energy of particles is converted to thermal energy, and is transferred to the surroundings
    -particles still vibrate about their fixed positions
    -temperature decreases beyond freezing point
  • What happens in expansion in solids?
    -solid heated at temperature below melting point
    -particles vibrate more quickly about their positions
    -particles have wider spacing than before
  • What happens during contraction in solids?
    -Solid cooled at temperature above freezing point
    -Thermal energy in particles is transferred to the surroundings
    -particles possess lower kinetic energy and vibrate slower
    -particles come closer than before
  • What happens to particles during condensation?
    -Particles lose thermal energy to surroundings
    -Particles have less energy and are drawn closer together by forces of attraction
    -arrangement: becomes more orderly
    -movement: moves slower and begin sliding over each other
  • What happens during sublimation?
    -Thermal energy from surroundings is transferred to solid
    -Increased energy of particles and are able to overcome the very strong forces of attraction in the solid state
    -particles in solid state rearrange themselves into gas state directly upon heating
    (optional based on question)
    Movement: Particles begin to move faster and randomly in any direction
    Arrangement: Particles are far apart and are in a disorderly arrangement
  • What is the opposite of sublimation? What happens to particles during it?
    -Vapour deposition
    -particles in gas lose thermal energy to particles
    -Decreased energy of particles, the particles are drawn closer together by forces of attraction in the gaseous state
    -particles in gaseous state rearrange themselves into solid state directly when in contact with a cooled surface
    (optional based on question)
    Movement: particles slow down
    Arrangement: particles become more closely packed and more orderly
  • What is diffision?
    Net movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
  • How do the particles of gases move?
    Air has tiny particles of different gases that move quickly and randomly
  • What are the conditons that affect the rate of diffusion?
    -effect of temperature
    -effect of particle mass
  • Why does temperature affect diffusion?
    -Particles at higher temperature have more kinetic energy
    -> liquids and gases move more quickly than solids
  • What is the relationship between temperature and the rate of diffusion?
    As temperature increases, the rate of diffusion increases
  • How does particle mass affect diffusion?
    -particles with greater mass require higher kinetic energy to move
    ->heavier particles diffuse more slowly than lighter particles at any temperature
    -true for liquids and gases
  • What is an example of the effect of particle mass on diffusion using concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated aqueous ammonia?
    1)hydrogen chlorine gas vaporised from concentrated hydrochloric acid
    -ammonia gas vaporised from concentrated aqueous ammonia
    -gases diffused from end of tube towards each other
    2)2 gases meet, react and form white ammonia chlorine
    -white ring former nearer to end with hydrogen chloride -> ammonia particles lighter than heavier particles of hydrogen chloride, making it move faster
  • Diffusion using bromine gas and air
    1)Bromine particles are heavier than air.
    -Due to random motion, bromine particles move upwards while air particles move in opposite direction
    2)Gas jars appear to be same shade (observation)
    -bromine particles and air spread evenly
    -no further change/overall change in concentration despite particles still constantly moving
    3)diffusion occured faster at higher temperature, particles possess greater kinetic energy
  • What is the relationship between particle mass and diffusion?
    Higher particle mass, slower rate in diffusion
  • How does diffusion occur in tea?
    -1) particles of tea diffuse from tea bag which is the higher region of concentration of tea to water which is the lower region of concentration of tea
    -2)concentration of tea becomes same throughout cup
  • What are observations?
    Based on 5 senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste
  • How does diffusion occur in perfume?
    1)liquid perfume sprayed -> volatile substance vapourise instantly
    2) perfume vapours diffuse away from bottle through air into our noses