Explanations: Bowlby

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    • What does bowlby say about attachment
      Attachment is an innate system that gives a survival advantage
    • What is monotropic attachment?
      Having a primary attachment figure, Bowlby places emphasis on the child’s attachment to one caregiver, this one is more important and different from others and the more time spent with attachment figure the better
    • What is the law of continuity?
      The more constant a child’s care the better the quality of attachment
    • What is the law of accumulated separation?
      The effects of every separation add up and worsen attachment
    • What does ASCMI stand for?
      • Adaptive
      • Social releasers
      • Critical Period
      • Monotropy
      • Internal working model
    • What is adaptive attachment?
      Forming an attachment helps survival and gives an adaptive advantage, they are kept safe, given food and warm e.g. Rooting - infants head turns to mothers cheek
    • What are social releasers?
      Babies are born with set of innate ’cute’ behaviours which activate adult social interaction for example ‘baby face’, crying, cooing, smiling
    • What is the critical period?
      For the first 2 years the infant attachment system is active and they have to form an attachment in this time. if they don’t form an attachment then the child will be damaged socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically
    • What is the internal working model?
      The first attachment forms this, special model for future relationships, which are determined on their early attachment relationships
      Like a blueprint for all future relationships
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