Cards (12)

  • Key Ideas
    Change happen with caution
    Tradition and Empiricism are to be respected
  • Empiricism
    Knowledge that comes from real experience.
  • Why did the French Revolution fail?
    They attempted to create a new society and society based on abstract ideas rather than learn from the lessons of the past.
  • What did the state resemble?
    A plant that may be changed when necessary.
  • Why can change occur?
    To preserve political stability and social harmony and avoid revolution.
  • Reform should be:
    Limited/ Small
    Take account of the past
    Based on empiricism and tradition
  • Revolutionary change that cuts of society's roots will lead to complete social and political breakdown.
  • What are society's roots?
    Institutions e.g Church
  • Tradition and empiricism represent accumulate wisdom of the past.
  • By respecting tradition and Empiricism promotes social continuity and stability.
  • Each gen has duty to protect and pass on "accumulated wisdom" on to their successors.
  • Tradition and Empiricism provide a sense of identity and sense of rootedness.