Apart from homes, robots are also used in communities, such as autonomous drones for surveillance or autonomous traffic lights control system.
Robots are also used for specialized tasks.
Examples of Robots in the office:
Fax machines
Contributions of Robots:
Office Equipments
Defensive System
Office Equipment - Printers, scanners, fax machines, photocopier, and other computer peripheral devices are some examples of robots used in offices.
Medical - Technology contributes greatly in the field of medicine
Manufacturing - Factories use manufacturing equipment such as barcode machines, controlled tools, welding robots, and other devices.
Defensive System - Defensive System Security devices such as security systems and automatic gate control systems also use robotic technology
Aerospace - It's objective is to fly to and explore outer space.
Aerospace - Researchers send mechanical objects controlled remotely outer space since it is safer to explore new environments and perform experiments using robots
Robotics - Is a branch of engineering that deals with designing, manufacturing, applying, and operating different kinds of robot.
Robot - t is a physical mechanism or a virtual artificial agent that has the ability to perform, to some extent, a specific action based on a given instruction.
The word robot was first introduced by Czech writer, Karel Capek
The word robot was first introduced by Czech writer, Karel Capek, in his stage play, “R. U. R.”
R.U.R - Rossum’s Universal Robots
“Robot” came from a Czech word “robota,” which literally means worker.
The word robotics was introduced by science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov.
3 laws of robotics:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
Parts of Robot:
Sensor - These are devices that measure a physical quantity and convert it into an appropriate signal or data, which can be read by an instrument or by a controller
Controllers - These are devices that manage, interpret, and control the accepted data to create an action
Actuators - These are devices that are used to move or control a certain system or machine
Classification of Robots:
Manual Robots
Sequential Robots
Sensate Robots
Smart Robots
Manual Robots – do not function unless controlled by humans.
Sequential Robots – designed to perform a series of tasks in the same sequence, and are commonly programmed to loop.
Sensate Robots – triggered when it senses something in its environment.
Smart Robots – an artificial intelligence system; can also control other robots or robotic devices.