What are the 3 factors that are all connected in the commercialisation of sport?
SportMedia and Sponsorship
What does sportsmanship mean?
Playing within the rules and upholding the spirit of the game
What does etiquette mean?
Following the unwritten rules within a game e.g. manners
What does gamesmanship mean?
Bending the rules in sport to gain an advantage
What do beta blockers do?
Reduce heart rate to make you feel more relaxed . However they can cause nausea and weakness
What do diuretics do?
Increase the amount you urinate causing weight loss . However they can cause dehydration and cramps
What do narcotic analgesics do?
Kill pain so injuries do not affect performance . However they can lead to constipation
What do stimulants do?
Increase reaction time and alertness . However they can lead to high blood pressure
What do anabolic steroids do?
They increase the rate of muscle growth and decrease the recovery time . However they can lead to heart disease
What do Peptide Hormones such as EPO do?
Peptide hormones increase the production of hormones. EPO increases the amount of redblood cells to increase oxygen carrying capacity . However they can cause strokes
What is blood doping?
Increasing the amount of red blood cells in the bloodstream to increase oxygen supply
What is health?
Your physical and emotional wellbeing
What is social health?
How you relate to society e.g. relationships
What is your BMI if you are underweight, overweight and obese?