Energy Stores

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Cards (23)

  • When energy is transferred to an object, thenergy is stored in an energy store.
  • Examples of Energy Stores:

    • Thermal
    • Kinetic
    • Gravitational
    • Elastic
    • Chemical
    • Magnetic
    • Electrostatic
    • Nuclear
  • Closed systems are where matter and energy cannot enter or leave.
  • Work Done is the same as energy transferred
  • Kinetic Energy(J) = 0.5 x mass(kg) x speed^2
  • Gravitational Potential Energy(J) = Mass x Gravitational Field Strength(gfs) x height(m)
  • Elastic Potential Energy(J) = 0.5 x Spring constant x Extenstion^2
  • Change in thermal energy(J) = Mass x Specific heat capacity x Temp change.
  • Efficiency = Useful output/ Total input x 100
  • No device is 100% efficient.
  • Electric heaters are the only 100% efficient devices.
  • Wind Turbines are eyesore.
  • Wind turbines can be noisy people living near.
  • Solar Cells - generate electricity from sunlight. Very reliable in sunny seasons.
  • Geothermal Power Is a type of renewable energy that uses the heat generated from the Earth's core to produce electricity.
  • Biofuels are fuels made from plants or animal waste. These are burnt to produce electricity.
  • Hydroelectric power is a type of renewable energy that uses the movement of water to generate electricity.
  • Hydroelectric power can cause loss of habitat as land to be flooded for electricity to be generated.
  • Sulfur dioxide causes acid rain.
  • Acid rain is toxic and harmful to trees and plants.
  • Power Plants generate large amounts of energy and are reliable.