Media Studies

Subdecks (3)

Cards (207)

  • What is the Had Sell technique in advertising?

    It is an aggressive advertising method that is short and loud.
  • What is the purpose of the Had Sell technique?

    It is used in awareness-raising campaigns.
  • What does "Demonstrative Action" refer to in advertising?

    It refers to showing the product being used in the advert.
  • What is a "Lops" in advertising?

    A small recognizable design used on products and promotional materials.
  • How does a "Lops" become associated with a product?

    Through repetition over time.
  • What is the "Modeag Address" in advertising?

    It is the way the advert communicates its message to the audience.
  • What elements are included in the "Modeag Address"?

    Use of informal or formal language and direct address.
  • What does "intertextuality" mean in advertising?
    It refers to when one text's meaning appears in another context.
  • What are "nostalgic references" in advertising?

    References that evoke memories and emotions related to the past.
  • What is "Product Endorsement"?
    It is the use of celebrities and organizations to sell a product or raise awareness.
  • How can an audience be influenced by a product endorser?

    They may be convinced by the endorser to buy the product or listen to the message.
  • What is a "Unique Selling Point" (USP) in marketing?

    It is an element that makes the product different from its competitors.
  • Why is a Unique Selling Point important in marketing?

    It helps to differentiate the product from competitors.
  • What is the first concept in the Media Studies Framework mentioned?
  • What does the term "Representation" refer to in media studies?
    It refers to how media portrays and constructs reality.
  • What is the second concept in the Media Studies Framework?
  • How do stereotypes function in media representation?
    Stereotypes simplify and generalize characteristics of groups or individuals.
  • What is the third concept in the Media Studies Framework?
  • What does "Construction" mean in the context of media studies?
    It refers to how media content is created and shaped by various factors.
  • What is the fourth concept in the Media Studies Framework?
  • What does "Mediation" involve in media studies?
    Mediation involves the process through which media represents and interprets reality.
  • What is the fifth concept in the Media Studies Framework?
    Encoding and Decoding
  • What do "Encoding and Decoding" refer to in media studies?
    Encoding refers to how producers create messages, while decoding refers to how audiences interpret them.
  • What is the title of the special edition mentioned in the study material?
  • Which publication is associated with the special edition mentioned?
    The Daily Telegraph
  • What is the theme of the special edition titled "Birth of a new Britain"?
    It likely discusses significant changes or events affecting Britain.