Media language

Subdecks (1)

Cards (114)

  • What is the purpose of the Media Studies Framework?

    To analyze and understand media products and their components.
  • What are technical codes in moving image products?

    They are the conventions used in film and video to convey meaning.
  • What are the effects of using a single camera angle in a narrative?

    • Restricts the narrative
    • Limits the depth of the story
    • Used for specific purposes
  • Why is a variety of camera angles more engaging for the audience?

    • It enhances visual interest
    • It provides different perspectives
    • It can convey complex emotions
  • How does the type of camera angle affect a production?

    It influences the mood and tone of the narrative.
  • What is a static shot in film production?

    A shot where the camera does not move during filming.
  • What is the purpose of a panning shot?

    To move the camera horizontally to follow movement or show a wide expanse.
  • What effect does a zooming shot have on the viewer?

    It focuses on a particular subject, creating feelings of closeness or distance.
  • What is a tracking shot?

    A shot where the camera follows a moving subject.
  • What is the editing process in media production?

    • Assembling different shots and scenes
    • Selecting and sequencing visual and audio components
    • Enhancing the final version of a video
  • How is color used in print products?

    To create a desired aesthetic and mood.
  • What role does lighting play in print products?

    It highlights aspects of imagery and impacts audience perception.
  • How do camera angles affect product photography?

    They impact how the product is presented and perceived.
  • Why is layout and design important in print products?

    It creates a visual hierarchy and directs the reader's eye.
  • What is the significance of typography in print products?

    It impacts readability, brand identity, and the overall message.
  • How do graphics enhance print products?

    They supplement written content and enhance engagement and clarity.
  • What are post-production techniques in media production?

    Methods like image manipulation, color correction, and retouching to perfect imagery.
  • What are audio codes in theatre products?

    They are elements that communicate messages through sound.
  • What is diegetic sound?

    Sound that originates from the source of action within the production.
  • What is non-diegetic sound?

    Sound that is external to the action and heard only by the audience.
  • How does music function in theatre productions?

    It conveys emotions and atmosphere, guiding audience interpretation.
  • What role do sound effects play in theatre productions?

    They set the scene, generate atmosphere, and add dramatic tension.
  • What are visual codes in media products?

    • Messages conveyed through sight
    • Include elements like color, shape, and movement
    • Use semiotics to suggest meanings
  • How does clothing function as a visual code?

    It indicates characters' status, personality, and occupation.
  • What does polysemy refer to in visual codes?

    How multiple meanings can be generated from one visual code.
  • What is Roland Barthes' contribution to semiotics?

    He proposed that cultural products communicate messages using signs and symbols.
  • What is connotation in semiotics?

    The implied or suggested meaning of a sign related to its context.
  • What is denotation in semiotics?

    The explicit and fixed meaning of a sign.
  • How does language and mode of address affect audience perception?

    • Different types of language have varying effects
    • Choice of language contributes to overall meaning
    • Mode of address influences audience engagement
  • What is the mode of address in a text?

    The way in which a text speaks to or addresses its intended audience.
  • What is language register?

    The level of formality or informality used in language.
  • What are language features?

    Elements of language that contribute to writing style and effectiveness.
  • What is dialect?

    A regional or social variety of a language.
  • What is slang?

    Informal language used within particular social groups.
  • What is jargon?

    Specialized vocabulary used in particular fields of work or study.
  • What is the intended audience of a text?

    The readership that the text is designed to address.
  • What is perspective in a text?

    The point of view from which a text is presented.
  • What is tone in a text?

    The overall feeling or attitude expressed through language choices.
  • What are the key types of language in communication?
    • Formal: Polite and adheres to grammatical rules
    • Informal: Friendly and relaxed approach to language
  • What are the elements of visual communication?
    • Composition: Arrangement of elements
    • Colours: Evoke emotions and guide attention
    • Typography: Typeface and style choices