
Cards (16)

  • What is a straight cut in film editing?

    A sudden change of shot from one viewpoint to another
  • What is a reaction shot?

    A shot that shows a participant reacting to events
  • What does a fade transition signify in film editing?

    It usually indicates the end of a scene or passage of time
  • What is a wipe in film editing?

    A transition where one shot "wipes" another off the screen
  • What is the purpose of a shot reverse shot?

    To change between speakers in a conversation
  • What is cross-cutting in film editing?

    Cutting between two scenes or more to show simultaneous action
  • What are dissolves in film editing?

    A slow transition where one image merges into another
  • What is a jump cut?

    A cut that abruptly jumps from one shot to another
  • What does a motivated cut mean?

    It indicates there is a reason for the cut, often showing something relevant
  • What is a match on action cut?

    A cut that connects two different shots at the same moment in the action
  • What is a graphic match in film editing?

    A cut that creates a visual relationship between two shots
  • What is bullet time in film production?

    A technique involving multiple cameras filming the action simultaneously
  • What is a montage sequence?

    A series of images edited together to create meaning
  • What is the goal of continuity editing?

    To make action appear as fluid as possible
  • What is a cutaway in film editing?

    A shot that interrupts the main action to show something else
  • What is superimposition in film editing?

    Placing two or more images directly on top of one another