personal investigation 2

Cards (24)

  • what is the operationalised hypothesis?
    there will be a positive correlation between the time taken (secs) on the stroop test and creativity scores. As time taken to do stroop test increases, so will the creativity scores
  • what is the operationalised null hypothesis
    there will be no correlation between the time taken to do the stroop test and creativity scores
  • is the hypothesis directional or non-directional
    directional as there has been previous research
  • why did you operationalise these co-variables in this way?
    to make them clearer
  • what are the operationalised variables
    creativity scores on the Kellogg creativity questionnaire out of 116
    time taken to do the stroop test in seconds
  • what confounding variables did you have
    colour blind
  • how did you deal with the confounding variables
    asked them if they were colourblind before starting
  • what extraneous variables did you have
    time of day
    light levels
  • how did you deal with the extraneous variables
    made sure they were in a quiet place where it was easy to see the computer screen
  • define a correlation
    a relationship between two co-variables
  • what are strengths of a correlation
    can be simplistic
    can identify trends
  • what are weaknesses of a correltion
    cant establish cause and effect
    low internal validity
  • what sampling frame did you use
    opportunity sampling
  • why did you use this sampling frame
    its much easier to gather research in comparison to other methods, for example, stratified which may be more costly in time and resources
  • what is opportunity sampling
    when you use people who are available at the time
  • how will you ensure internal reliability is high
    standardised procedures- same measures
  • could you check for external reliability?
    not repeated=no external reliability
  • what specific validity issue may affect your research
    social desirability- may want to get the same scores as peers
  • which graphical representation did you use
    scatter graph because we have correlation
  • which inferential statistic did you use
    spearmans ratio
  • why did you use this inferential statistic
    its ratio level
    dont use questions
  • were the results significant
    the observed value -0.35758 is less than the critical value 0.45 so the results are non significant
  • what conclusions can be drawn from your findings?
    there is a weak negative correlation between stroop test performace and creativity
  • what are 2 ways which your research could be improved?
    increase sample by having more participants
    complete a test-re-test to check the reliablity