Only statements which are empirically verifiable are meaningful.
"The meaning of a proposition is in it's methods of verification"
Who was it also associated with?
Logical positivists = POST WWI group from Vienna circle- they were influenced by thinking of Ludwig Wilgenstein.
What did he say about religious statements?
All religious statements are meaningless because they cannot be verified using the senses. Also, pointless to talk about ethics , metaphysics and art.
We know statements if we know the condition of whether it's true or false. If it is not possible to prove the statement true or false, it is meaningless.
What if the first form of verifiable statements?
Analytical= these are propositions which define meanings to a word e.g dictionary is full of analytical statements.
What is the second form of verifiable statements?
Synthetic= give information about reality rather than just defining our use of language e.g "It is raining today"