Argues capitalism is responsible for crime committed by w/c people because the value system is criminogenic
means crime is national and inevitable consequences of capitalism
Argues crime committed by poorer people, homeless and unemployment are a rational response to inequalities and humanities that they experience on daily basis
Capitalism is characterised by class inequality
Poverty, unemployment, poor-quality housing are facts of life for those at the bottom of the capitalist society
Capitalism is based upon competition, selfishness and greed > shapes people's attitudes to crime
Argues capitalism encourages a 'dog eat dog' world and a system of ruthless competition
Capitalists values of consumerism, individualism and materialism have become more important than community co-operation and altruism
Media encourages emphasis on celebrity, money and material success > leads to common culture of greed and self-interest
in this criminogenic environment crime is inevitable
The need to win at all costs, need to make a profit and the desire for self-enrichment encourages the already rich and powerful to commit white-collar and corporate crime such as tax evasion
Capitalists emphasis on wealth creates culture of envy in poorer sections of society > responds to growing inequality with resentful hostility > failure and humiliation is a daily occurrence under capitalism > may fuel non-economic crime as drug addiction and domestic violence
Social class shapes the way that police react to delinquency
when m/c men (saints) behaved in deviant way, use status and good reputation to negotiate way out of trouble
w/c men (rough-necks) are constantly under surveillance and were treated more harshly than the saints when they come into confrontation with the teachers and police
East London: Postcode Wars
Areas with social deprivation face crime among youths > many youths involved in crime
W/c ethnic boys want to prove people wrong through success
Gym built for youths because rich won't build playground for youths
White people sell knifes and labelled 'business men', ethnic people do the same and they're labelled 'terrorists'