Private Nuisance

Subdecks (2)

Cards (54)

  • What type of tort is private nuisance?
    Common law
  • What is private nuisance defined as in Winfield?
    Protecting the rights of an occupier against unlawful interference with a person's use of enjoyment of land
  • What does unlawful mean?
  • What does private nuisance often involve?
    Disputes between neighbours
  • What do courts attempt to do with private nuisance?
    Balance competing rights
  • What must a person have to be a claimant according to Hunter?
    Must have a legal interest in the land
  • Which case tells us a person must have legal interest in the land to be a claimant?
  • What does a person not need to be a defendant?

    Doesn't need to own or occupy the land
  • What can a person be to be a defendant?
    Anyone whose activities cause unlawful interference with another person's use or enjoyment of the land
  • According to Sedleigh-Denfield what can make someone a defendant?
    If they do not cause the nuisance but allow it to continue
  • Which case tells us that someone can still be a defendant if they do not cause the nuisance but allow it to continue?
  • Which case tells us that landlords can be liable for nuisances?
  • Which does Tetley does about nuisances?
    Landlords can be liable for nuisances
  • What is an interference?
    A loss of amenity
  • What must it be that is interfered with?
    The land NOT the person
  • Which case tells us flooding can be an interference?
  • Which case tells us that smells can be an interference?
  • Which case tells us that encroachment can be an interference?
  • Which case tells us that noise can be an interference?
  • What case tells us that cricket balls can be an interference?
  • What case tells us that a brothel can be an interference?
  • What case tells us that physical damage can be an interference?
    St. Helen's Smelting Co.
  • What is an unlawful interference?
    Unreasonable use of land which leads to an unreasonable interference with the claimant's use or enjoyment of their own land
  • The law only protects against unlawful interference
  • What do we look at to see if the interference was unreasonable or not?
    Factors of reasonableness
  • What are the three remedies for Private Nuisance?