1.3.3 networks

Cards (62)

  • Client server model
    client server
    what are the advantages
    -more secure as data is stored in one location
    -central backups are carried out so no need for indivisual back ups
    -data and resources can be shared between clients
  • Client server model
    client server
    what are the disadvantages
    -relatively expensive to set up
    -functuality of terminals depends on the server; if this fails so does performance
    -trained staff are required to maintain the server
  • client server model
    client server
    what does this mean
    where device are reliant on services provided and managed by a central server
    -the server hols all of the important information and resources
  • Network security and threats
    what are packet filters and what do they limit
    and how does it work
    the preconfigured rules
    they limit network access in accordance with administrator rules and policies
    it examines the source Ip, destination Ip and protocals used and ports requested
  • Network security and threats
    what can firewalls have 2 of
    two network interface cards(NIC) between user and internet. then passes the packets between the two and compares them against the rules.
    -the preoccupied rules are called packet filters
  • Network security and threats
    what is this
    this is a device desgined to prevent unauthorised access to a network
  • Network Hardware
    what is this
    this is used protocoles between networks are not the same, it translates the protocols so that networks can communicate with each other
  • Network Hardware
    Network Interface Cards(NIC)
    what does this mean
    this is a card required to connect a device to a network
    -this is built into the device and assigns a unique Media Access Control(MAC)
  • Network Hardware
    what are they
    they are used to connect two or more networs together. Routers allow private, home networks to connect to internet
  • Network Hardware
    what is this
    this is a device to direct the flow of data across a network
    -mostly used in networks using a star topology
  • Network Hardware
    what is MAC(media access control)
    is a 48 bit value coded into the deivce and is written as 12 digit hexadecimal number
    hexadecimal- is a number which uses number 0-9 and letters A-F
  • Network Hardware
    Wireless Access Point(WAP)
    what is this
    device which allows a device to connect to a network, mostly combined with a router to enable internet access
  • Network
    bus topology
    what does this mean
    and look like
    'is a type of network topology in which all devices are connected to a single cable called 'bus'
  • Network
    bus topology
    what is the advantages
    -cheap to set up
    -don't need any additional hardware
  • Network
    bus topology
    what is the disadvantages
    -if backbone cable fails the entire network gets disconnected
    -as traffic increases, performance decreases
    -all computers can see the data transmission
  • Network
    Local Area Network(LAN)
    what is this
    this is the name given to a network which is spread over a small geographical area or a single site
  • Network
    Mesh topology
    what is a node
    a point of connection with in data communication
  • Network
    Mesh topology
    what is the advantages
    -no cable cost(if wireless network)
    -as the number of nodes incease, the reliability and speed become better
    -nodes don't go through a central switch, improving speed
  • Network
    Mesh topology
    what is the disadvantages
    -(if using wireless network) device with wireless capability can increase cost as they need to be purchased
    -if using wire, alot of cable is used than the other topology
    -maintaining the network is difficult
  • Network
    Mesh topology
    what is this
    every node is connected to every other node, mostly found in wireless tech such as wifi
  • Network
    Star topology
    what is the advantages
    -easy ro add new stations
    -if one cable fails, onyl that station is affected
    -performance is consistent even with hravy network traffic
  • Network
    Star topology
    what is the disadvantages
    -expensive due to switch and cabling
    -if the central switch fails, the rest of the network fails
  • Network
    Star topology
    what is this
    all nodes, indirectly connect to each other through one or more switches
  • Network
    there are 2 types of main networks
    name them
    -Local Area Network(LAN)
    -Wide Area Networl(WAN)
  • Network
    there are 2 types of network topology
    name them
    -physical topology
    -logical topology
  • Network
    what is a topology
    how the computers are laid out and connected together
  • Network
    what is it
    is the name given to 2 or more computers connected together with the ability to transmit data between each other
    such as: computers, printers, servers
  • Network
    what is logical topology
    the layout which shows how data flows
  • Network
    what is physical topology
    the physical layout of wires and components which form the network
    example: Bus, Star, Mesh
  • Network
    what is protocol
    is a set of rules defining how two computers communicate with each other
    HTTP - used for web page rendering
    PO3 and IMAP - used for email access
  • Network
    what is the purpose
    the main purpose is to enable data sharing, resource sharing, communication and collaboration
  • Network
    Wide Area Network(WAN)
    what is this
    is the name given to a network which is spread over a large geographical area
    example: mostly used by large offices in multiple locations so they can communicate different sites
  • peer to peer model
    peer to peer
    what does this mean
    a network in which computers are connected to each other so that they can share files
    -each device acts as a client and server, as it can both provide and request resources
  • peer to peer model
    peer to peer
    what is the advantage
    -cheaper to set up
    -allows users to share resources
    -easy to maintain, specialist staff not needed
    -not dependant on central server
  • peer to peer model
    peer to peer
    what is the disadvantage
    -backups must be performed seperately
    -poorer security
    -maybe difficult to locate resources
  • network security and threats
    what is this
    this is a way of keeping data secure when transmitting it over the internet
  • network security and threats
    what are the benefits
    -the privacy of user is protected and they remain anonymous
    -proxies can reduce overall web traffic
  • network security and threats
    what does this do
    what does it provide
    and what does it prevent
    -a proxy server collects and sends data on behalf of the user
    -it provides a gateway between users and internet
    -it prevents cyber attackers from entering private networks
  • The Internet Structure
    Domain Name System(DNS)
    what are domains used to
    to access link to server across the world
  • The Internet Structure
    Domain Name System(DNS)
    what are smaller domains seperated from large domains by
    by a full stop