1.3.4 web technologies

Cards (33)

  • CSS what are made up of
    of selection and declarations
  • CSS
    external CSS
    what does this mean
    is written in a seperate document and a link to this style sheet is added to HTML document
  • CSS
    internal/embedded CSS
    what does this mean
    this is placed inside the style tags and is entered directly into the HTML document
  • CSS
    is used in 2 different forms
    name them
    -interal/embedded CSS
    -external CSS
  • CSS
    selection and declarations
    What does declarations do
    describes how the component should look
  • CSS
    selection and declarations
    What does selection do
    selectors identify the component of HTML that requires formatting
  • CSS
    what can it be used for
    used to specify the way HTML elements look
  • CSS
    what does this mean
    this is a language which is used to describe the style of a webpage
  • CSS
    what does this stand for
    Cascading Style Sheets
  • javascript and HTML
    input from HTML forms can be retrieved from a web page and handled using javascript
  • JavaScript
    what does this mean
    this is a scripting language which adds interactivity to websites
    -javascript is interpreted by the browser and is often used to validate input data on the client computer
  • JavaScript
    what is advantage
    -eases the load on busy servers
    -reduces webtraffic
  • HTML
    3 examples of HTML tags
    paragraphs seperated with a line space above and below
    define the browser tab or window heading area
  • HTML
    classes and identifers
    mutiple elements across webpage can be assigned to a single class
    what does this mean
    this means that element follow a consistent style/format only has to be defined once
    -this can be defined within the head of a webpage
    -classes are defined using a full stop
  • HTML
    classes and identifers
    what are these
    are attributes given to elements on a webpage which you wish to style in a particular way
  • HTML
    classes and identifers
    what does identifer mean
    are a unique name given to an element on a web page(whereas class names can be used by multiple elements)
    -identifers are defined using a Hashtag
  • HTML
    there are 2 sections of a webpage
    name them
    Head- contains the title of the web page
    Body- contains the content of the webpage
  • HTML
    what does this allow to do
    allows a browsers to interpret and render a web page for the viewer by describing the structure and order of the web page
  • HTML
    what does this mean
    is the language that web pages are written in
  • HTML
    what does this stand for
    Hyper Text Mark up Language
  • search engine indexing
    search engine
    how does web crawler work(1)
    they work by travelling across the internet webpage by webpage collecting keywords or phases from the linked webpage and add this information to the index
  • search engine indexing
    search engine
    how does web crawler work(2)
    they also collect and add meta data from website
    (meta data- a set of data that describes and gives information about other data)
  • search engine indexing
    search engine
    Page Rank Algorithm
    factors that determine the page rank
    -how many incoming links it has from other webpages
    -the page rank of the webpage that link to it
  • search engine indexing
    search engine
    Page Rank Algorithm
    the data structure used to display this information is a directed graph
    what does this show
    which pages link to other websites webpages are represented as nodes
    (link between 2 pages are represented as arcs between the nodes)
  • search engine indexing
    search engine
    Page Rank Algorithm
    the page rank algorithm is as follows
    Page Rank(x) = (1-d) + d[(PageRank(T1)/Count(T1)+...+(PageRank(Tn)/Count(Tn))]
    Page Rank(x) is the page rank of page x
    d is the damping factor which is usually set to 0.85
    count(T1) is the number of outbound links on the pages
    count(Tn) how many links page have
  • search engine indexing
    search engine
    Page Rank Algorithm
    what does this do
    this ranks webpage, determining the order which webpage is shown first when a search is conducted
    -higher rank will show up first
  • search engine indexing
    search engine
    search engines rely on an index of webpages
    what do web crawlers do
    collect information about websites to build this index
  • search engine indexing
    search engine
    what does this mean
    this is a program that searches a database of internet address find a resource based on criteria of the client
  • server and client side processing
    client side processing
    useful for several reasons:
    -webpages can immediately respond to user action
    -executes quickly
    -gives developers more control over the behaviour and look of the website
  • server and client side processing
    client side processing
    what does this mean
    is when a client processor the data on a local device
    -all of the information is processed on the client computer(also called client side scripting, languages such as JavaScript)
  • server and client side processing
    server side processing
    server side processing useful for several reasons:
    -can perform large calculations much faster than clients
    -not browser dependant
    -more secure
  • server and client side processing
    server side processing
    there is no information processed on the client computer
    name 2 langugaes for server side scripting
    SQL or PHP
  • server and client side processing
    server side processing
    what does this mean
    is when a client sends data to a server for it to be processed