Inspiration = active (diaphragm, ext. intercostals)
Expiration = passive @ rest, active in ex. (ab. muscles + int. intercostals); 6x more air
Work of breathing rises greatly in exercise
~3% energy usage @ rest
~12-24% energy usage @ max exercise
Tidal Volume = volume inspired/expired per breath
Inspiratory Reserve Volume = max inspiration @ end of tidal inspiration
Expiratory RV = max expiration @ end of tidal expiration
Total Lung Capacity = volume in lungs after max inspiration
Residual Lung Volume = volume in lungs after max expiration
Forced Vital Capacity = max volume expired after max inspiration
Inspiratory Capacity = max volume inspired following tidal expiration
Functional RC = volume in lungs after tidal expiration
Change pressure to control inspiration & expiration
Min Ventilation (VE) = breathing frequency (fb) * tidal volume (TV)
Peak VE attained in exercise is below max ventilatory capacity
FEV1 * (EV1/FVC) = Pulmonary airflow capacity
Healthy = ~85% of VC
Obstructive LD (emphysema, bronchial asthma)= <40% of VC
Obstruction COPD =<70%
Some LD - normal FEV1 values
Anatomical dead space = not involved in gaseous exchange
As Tidal Volume (TV) becomes larger, deadspace does too. BUT the increase in alveolar dead space (VD) is proportionally less than the increase in TV
Deeper ventilation provides more effective alveolar ventilation than by increased breathing frequency
Adequate gas exchange bw/ alveoli & blood requires matching alveolar ventilation to pulmonary capillaries
Mismatch ventilation to perfusion responsible for many gaseous exchange problems in pulmonary disease & possibly intense ex. in highly trained endurance athletes
Ventilation:Perfusion ratio:
Increased physiological dead space from decrease alveolar surface function
Adequate gas exchange is impossible when dead space >60% of TLV
2 Stages dictate exchange of O2 & CO2 bw/ atmosphere & blood:
Avelolar ventilation - mass, drive by pressure gradient
Aveolar-Blood transfer - diffusion of each gas, driven by pressure gradient of each gas
Anatomical dead space = structural non-alveolar volume
Physiological dead space = ventilation not used for gas exchange
Alveolar Ventilation (VA) = (Tidal Volume - Dead Space) * breathing frequency [L/min-1]
Alveolar Ventilation controlled by:
Force (by recruitment & neural frequency)
Resistance (of airways)
Increase alveolar ventilation more by DEPTH than frequency
If 'painting' aim to shallow breath to avoid over ventilation
Ventilation Control by rhythmic respiratory neurons:
In medial medulla
Active muscles (diaphragm, intercostals)
Modified by excitatory & inhibitory stimuli (neural & hormonal)
Stimuli act both directly & indirectly
Ventilation control @ rest:
Mainly by chemoreceptors (detect chem state of arterial blood)
Central chemoreceptors = localised medullary neurons; strong sensitivity to CO2 - directly related to pH
Peripheral chemoreceptors = carotid & aortic; limited sensitivity to O2 (only detection for it); Co2, H+, Temp of blood