Module 2 - Cardiorespiratory responses to exercise

Cards (123)

  • A = Alveolar, a = arterial, v = venous
  • Hypernoea = increased ventilation
  • Hyperventilation = over breathing, decrease CO2 in blood which increases the pH (less H+). Unhelpful offload of CO2
  • Regulation of blood by:
    • Pressure
    • Volume
    • Content - gases + glucose
    • Temperature
  • Control regulation of blood by:
    • Hydration
    • Hormones, Na
    • Ventilation
    • What we eat (acid:base balance)
    • Glucose (stored & made)
    • Temp (vasoconstriction/dilation)
  • Cardiopulmonary function important for:
    • Life & Health
    • Performance
    • Ability to supply O2 to cells (& remove metabolites) governs ability to work
    • O2 consumption increase for athletes
  • Ventilation (air flow) increase proportionally more than cardiac output (blood flow)
  • Athletes less stressed @ same absolute work rate & achieve higher rates for some factors (eg blood flow)
  • Respiratory = oxygenate blood & remove CO2 from cellular respiration. Mediated by ventilation of alveoli
  • Trachea --> Bronchi --> Bronchioles --> Terminal bronicoles --> Alveolar ducts --> Alveoli (sacs)
  • Alveoli surfactant increase tension
  • Respiratory cycle:
    • Inspiration = active (diaphragm, ext. intercostals)
    • Expiration = passive @ rest, active in ex. (ab. muscles + int. intercostals); 6x more air
  • Work of breathing rises greatly in exercise
    • ~3% energy usage @ rest
    • ~12-24% energy usage @ max exercise
  • Tidal Volume = volume inspired/expired per breath
  • Inspiratory Reserve Volume = max inspiration @ end of tidal inspiration
  • Expiratory RV = max expiration @ end of tidal expiration
  • Total Lung Capacity = volume in lungs after max inspiration
  • Residual Lung Volume = volume in lungs after max expiration
  • Forced Vital Capacity = max volume expired after max inspiration
  • Inspiratory Capacity = max volume inspired following tidal expiration
  • Functional RC = volume in lungs after tidal expiration
  • Change pressure to control inspiration & expiration
  • Min Ventilation (VE) = breathing frequency (fb) * tidal volume (TV)
  • Peak VE attained in exercise is below max ventilatory capacity
  • FEV1 * (EV1/FVC) = Pulmonary airflow capacity
    • Healthy = ~85% of VC
    • Obstructive LD (emphysema, bronchial asthma)= <40% of VC
    • Obstruction COPD =<70%
    • Some LD - normal FEV1 values
  • Anatomical dead space = not involved in gaseous exchange
  • As Tidal Volume (TV) becomes larger, dead space does too. BUT the increase in alveolar dead space (VD) is proportionally less than the increase in TV
  • Deeper ventilation provides more effective alveolar ventilation than by increased breathing frequency
  • Adequate gas exchange bw/ alveoli & blood requires matching alveolar ventilation to pulmonary capillaries
  • Mismatch ventilation to perfusion responsible for many gaseous exchange problems in pulmonary disease & possibly intense ex. in highly trained endurance athletes
  • Ventilation:Perfusion ratio:
    • Increased physiological dead space from decrease alveolar surface function
  • Adequate gas exchange is impossible when dead space >60% of TLV
  • 2 Stages dictate exchange of O2 & CO2 bw/ atmosphere & blood:
    1. Avelolar ventilation - mass, drive by pressure gradient
    2. Aveolar-Blood transfer - diffusion of each gas, driven by pressure gradient of each gas
  • Anatomical dead space = structural non-alveolar volume
    Physiological dead space = ventilation not used for gas exchange
  • Alveolar Ventilation (VA) = (Tidal Volume - Dead Space) * breathing frequency [L/min-1]
  • Alveolar Ventilation controlled by:
    • Duration
    • Force (by recruitment & neural frequency)
    • Frequency
    • Resistance (of airways)
  • Increase alveolar ventilation more by DEPTH than frequency
  • If 'painting' aim to shallow breath to avoid over ventilation
  • Ventilation Control by rhythmic respiratory neurons:
    • In medial medulla
    • Active muscles (diaphragm, intercostals)
    • Modified by excitatory & inhibitory stimuli (neural & hormonal)
    • Stimuli act both directly & indirectly
  • Ventilation control @ rest:
    • Mainly by chemoreceptors (detect chem state of arterial blood)
    1. Central chemoreceptors = localised medullary neurons; strong sensitivity to CO2 - directly related to pH
    2. Peripheral chemoreceptors = carotid & aortic; limited sensitivity to O2 (only detection for it); Co2, H+, Temp of blood