Issues and debates with the psychodynamic approach

    Cards (11)

    • What does androcentrism refer to?
      It refers to being centered on or dominated by males or a male point of view.
    • How can androcentrism manifest in psychological theories?
      It can manifest as a conscious or unconscious bias towards male perspectives.
    • What is alpha bias?
      Alpha bias refers to theories that exaggerate the differences between males and females.
    • Can you give an example of alpha bias?

      Freud's theory about the oedipal conflict is an example of alpha bias.
    • What is beta bias?
      Beta bias refers to theories that ignore or minimize sex differences.
    • What assumption is often made in beta bias theories?
      It is often assumed that findings from males can apply equally to females.
    • How can Freud's psychodynamic approach be criticized in terms of gender?
      It can be criticized for being androcentric, viewing females as weaker or inferior.
    • What does Freud's androcentric view imply about the psychodynamic approach's explanation of female behaviors?
      It implies that the approach does not fully and objectively explain female behaviors.
    • What is determinism?
      Determinism is the view that free will is an illusion and that our behavior is governed by internal and external forces.
    • What is psychic determinism according to Freud?
      Psychic determinism is the idea that human behavior results from childhood experiences and innate drives.
    • What are the components of Freud's model of psychological development?
      The components are the ID, ego, and superego.
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